Modern Perversions Rundown[i]


"And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many." (Matthew 24:11 KJV)


"And the messenger that went to call Micaiah spake to him, saying, Behold, the words of the prophets declare good to the king with one assent; let thy word therefore, I pray thee, be like one of theirs, and speak thou good. And Micaiah said, As the LORD liveth, even what my God saith, that will I speak." (II Chronicles 18:12-13 KJV)


[Note: Scripture quotations with strikeouts represent the King James Bible’s readings excised by apostate Nicolaitan/Alexandrian scholarship.]


·        While apostate scholars are sinfully corrupting the Holy Scriptures, often they’re brought face to face with their iniquitous practices.  In such cases, they continue to pervert the holy and spiritual Text; instead of recognizing their errors, humbling themselves, and repenting.  They’ve deceived themselves (see James 1:22) into thinking their evil works are acceptable; and falsely presume God Almighty will honor prideful tampering.  All the while the flattery and praise of likeminded hypocrites boosts their egos as they continue down a treacherous path of satanic destruction.  Such is the case with Scriptures as Romans 1:25, Luke 7:30, and Acts 28:29. (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 194 and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ pages 9-10.) Instead of conforming to these passages of reproof (see Rom. 12:2); they’ve done the exact opposite of why Scripture was given in the first place (cf. 1 Tim. 3:16)—they’ve chosen rather to reprove Scripture, to blasphemously correct Spirit with flesh (cf. Is. 31:3): and mold it after their own depraved agendas. (cf. Job 40:8)  When the word of God doesn’t suit them: they make it suit themselves. (see Rom. 8:7)  Hence, Acts 28:29 has been italicized in the ASV, bracketed in the NASV, and completely omitted from such versions as the NIV, NWT (Jehovah’s Witnesses), RSV, NLT, NRSV, and RV (Westcott and Hort).  In Romans 1:25 new versions have perverted “changed” into ‘exchanged’ because they “changed” God’s words.  And in Romans 1:18 they tried to diminish their sinful butchery of Scripture by claiming they only ‘hinder’ the truth, instead of “...hold the truth in unrighteousness;” (Rom. 1:18 KJV).  They had to cover up for their Pharisaical forefathers in Luke 7:30 because they didn’t want to appear “against themselves”; even though Paul said, “...they please not God, and are contrary to all men” (1 Thess. 2:15), and again Jude, “...they corrupt themselves.” (Jude 10)

·        Barry Burton keenly caught an error in the RSV in Genesis 12:3. (See ‘Let’s Weight The Evidence’ page 31.)  The RSV continues this error in Genesis 18:18, 22:18, and 26:4.  This is despite the fact that the apostles quoted the verse properly in Acts 3:25 and Galatians 3:8.

·        Though the whole purpose of Abraham in Genesis 24 was to get his son Isaac a wife not from the Canaanites, the NIV has tried to change Rebekah into one by giving here a nose ring instead of an “earring” (Gen. 22:24 KJV). (See ‘The NIV: An “In-Depth” Documentation of Apostasy’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 10 and ‘Final Authority’ by William P. Grady, page 289.)  Genesis 35:4 and Exodus 32:2-3 also clear us this poor translation error.

·        Caleb’s daughter was named Achsah.  In Joshua 15:18-19 and Judges 1:14-15 she requests certain land of her father.  The New English Bible (NEB) has one of the most vulgar, vile, despicable, unholy, profane, and twisted perversions of Scripture in Judges 1:14.  William Grady reported this perversion of the back jacket cover of his ‘Final Authority’ book.  I don’t have a copy of the NEB (and I’m glad I don’t), but they probably also perverted the exact same text from the same account in the Book of Joshua. (This account is given in both Joshua and Judges.)  If they didn’t, then they’re still perverse hypocrites, because Joshua and Judges have nearly the exact same Scriptures in the King James Bible—and there’s nothing vulgar about it in the 1611!  For the record: Joshua 15:15-19 and Judges 1:11-15, in the KJV, are the exact same account, with almost the exact same words. (See ‘Achsah’s request.doc’.)

·        The Living Bible (LB [1971]) uses a cuss word in 1 Sam. 20:30. (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 211 and ‘Let’s Weight The Evidence’ page 43.)

·        The NIV claims Elhanan killed Goliath in 2 Samuel 21:19.  By reading this verse's italicized words in the King James Bible you’ll know the truth of the matter.  Further, if you’re still confused, turn you King James Bible over to 1 Chronicles 20:5: here again the King’s English will shed light on the subject without having to consult the original tongues. (See ‘Fighting Back!’ by James L. Melton, page 8, ‘Final Authority’ by William P. Grady, page 163, ‘The Answer Book’ by Samuel C. Gipp, page 54, and ‘New Age Versions’ page 213.)

·        Homosexuals are called “sodomites” (1 Kings 15:12, 22:46; 2 Kings 23:7) in the KJV.  “Sodomy” is the main transmission of HIV or AIDS; however, in the NIV fagots find a bit of relief, they’re called ‘male shrine prostitutes’. (See ‘New Age Versions’ by Riplinger, page 176.)  Sodomy is an ABOMINATION according to Leviticus 18:22, 20:13.

·        The NRSV (1989) and NIV (1973) change the Nehemiah’s “great and TERRIBLE God” (Neh. 1:5 AV 1611 [caps and bold mine]) to ‘the great and awesome God’ [see also Neh. 4:14, 9:32].  After all, their Santa Claus isn’t a “terror” to anybody.  By the way, as an additional nugget, do you know who the “terror” is in 2 Cor. 5:11?  It’s the ‘sweet little Jesus boy’ from Bethlehem’s manger.

·        Nehemiah calls the pagan women the Israelites intermarried with “outlandish” (Neh. 13:26 KJV).  The 1611 is unique with this word, which is in common use still today when describing loose women; but the ASV, NAB, NRSV, and NIV all use the phrase ‘foreign women’.

·        The Jesuits (in the Douay-Rheims) tried to protect Peter’s mistaken identity as the ‘Rock’ of the Roman Catholic church by removing the “rock” out of Psalm 18:31—where it refers to Jehovah God.

·        The AV 1611 is that good, exact, sharp, old-fashioned, Elizabethan hell fire and brimstone Holy Bible we Bible-believers and discerners of the purified words of God have come to cherish and admire.  “Hell” is too harsh for Laodiceans with “itching ears” (2 Tim. 4:3) who “will not endure sound doctrine” so they buy ‘bibles’ like the NIV which substitute the AV’s “hell” in Psalm 9:17 and Proverbs 15:24 for the ‘grave’ (which makes absolutely no sense when you study the context of the passages).  Apostle Paul said these lukewarm Laodiceans would “heap to themselves teachers”, then Apostle Peter picked up on that thought and said that those teachers would be “false teachers” (like ecumenical scholars) and would actually “bring in damnable heresies” through their corrupt biblical texts and strike out Jesus Christ’s names and titles from their texts—“denying the Lord” (2 Pet. 2:1).

·        In Psalm 18:49 the Holy Ghost isn’t afraid to use a little negative terminology when dealing with the ungodly people of this world, for He calls them bluntly “heathen” (KJV 1611).  This obviously offended the pagan scholars so they changed it in the ASV, RSV, NRSV, and NIV to ‘nations’.  I know the King James is the correct translation because the Lord Jesus Christ and the real spirit-filled prophets and apostles never hesitated to upbraid, convict, or expose sinners with the truth.  And if you think I’m kidding try John the Baptist in Matthew 3 or the Lord Jesus in Matthew 23.

·        The NIV, NRSV, and NAB all take “Satan” (Ps. 109:6 KJV) out of Psalm 109.  “Satan” is in Queen Elizabeth’s Bishop’s Bible of 1568.

·        The NIV’s perversion of Proverbs 16:3 has altered the KJV’s sound and wise instruction to mean something completely worthless, pantheistic, and devilish. (See ‘Final Authority’ page 297 and ‘Bible Believers’ Bulletin’ December 2010, page 13.)

·        The RSV denies the virgin birth of our Lord Jesus Christ in their blasphemous rendition of Isaiah 7:14. (cf. 1 John 2:22-23, 4:2-3; 2 John 7)  The RSV changed “virgin” to ‘young woman’!  This is despite Saint Matthew’s quotation of the Isaiah 7:14 passage in Matt. 1:23 too.  Is that really a “sign” for a ‘young woman’ to conceive?  How many times has that happened?  About 100 billion times?  For a ‘young woman’ to conceive, that is natural.  But for a “virgin” to conceive: that is a supernatural miracle from God Almighty.  The Holy Spirit led the Apostle Matthew Levi to translate the Hebrew word ‘alma’ as “virgin” in his citation of the verse.  Quite frankly, there is nothing more holy in the Holy Bible than the Holy Incarnation of Jesus Christ.  That’s the essence of what the Christmas season is truly all about.  So what sounds more holy to you?  A “virgin” or ‘young woman’?  I know a lot of young women that are not holy at all, but virgins tend to be holy and religious women.  Therefore, I conclude that the Authorized Version is that HOLY Christological Bible; and the RSV and NRSV are unholy antichrist bibles.  Because the AV 1611 was based on the Geneva Bible (1560) and Bishops’ Bible (1568): the Geneva and Bishop’s both venerate the “virgin” birth in their readings of this Christmas passage of Holy Scripture. (See ‘The Translators Revived’ page xxxiv and ‘Fighting Back!’ by James L. Melton, pages 16 and 31.)

·        The ASV, RSV, and NIV removed the word “not” from Isaiah 9:3—totally altering the meaning of the passage.  This omission is despite the fact that the word is found in the Hebrew Masoretic text. (See ‘The NIV: An “In-Depth” Documentation of Apostasy’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 20.)

·        In the KJV 1611, Isaiah 14 records Satan’s fall and he’s called “Lucifer” (v. 12).  The NIV however blasphemously gives the devil a “morning star” title which exclusively belongs to Jesus Christ in Revelation 22:16. (See ‘New Age Versions’ by Gail Riplinger.)

·        The ASV messes up Isaiah 26:4 in two places.  First, it changes the KJV’s block lettering “LORD JEHOVAH” to ‘Jehovah, even Jehovah’. (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 375 about why the ASV is wrong here.)  Then when the 1611 tells us that “ the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength”; the ASV says ‘an everlasting rock’.  I don’t doubt that the Lord Jesus Christ is my Rock.  But that’s not the context of Isaiah 26:3-4.  This is dealing with comforting the weary through trust in Christ.  And this comfort has been removed because “strength” and ‘rock’ are completely different translations.  The ASV’s rendition of this passage is corrupt as usual.  The NIV matches the ASV.

·        The NIV denies the Deity, Preexistence, and Sonship of Jesus Christ and a prophecy concerning Him in Daniel 3:25.  The 1611 reads “the Son of God”.  Demoting divinity, the NIV lowercases both words and introduces pluralism with “a son of the gods”.  In Daniel 3:25 in the NIV you can’t tell who the verse is talking about, but it’s clear in the KJV its Jesus the Son of God.  The devil loves to corrupt a prophecy such as this which exalts God’s Son, especially since this prophecy is found in the Old Testament clearly portraying the preexistence of Christ. (See ‘New Age Versions’ pages 263, 264, ‘Fighting Back!’ by James L. Melton, pages 18 and 31 and ‘Christ in the Old Testament’ by James L. Melton, page 51.) ¶ If that wasn’t enough satanic blasphemy, the modern scholars do basically the same thing again in the same Book in Daniel 7:13.

·        The committees of the NIV and NRSV covered up the modus operandi of the Antichrist when they altered “peace” and “peaceably”: found in the prophetic details about the pope in Daniel 8:25, 11:21, 24 in the AV 1611 Protestant Holy Bible.  By the way, that’s another KJV-only reading!  Or in other words: an advanced revelation.

·        In Daniel 11:38, the King James Bible provides English speaking Christians with a powerful prophecy concerning occult terminology in these end-times.  The ASV, NIV, NASV, and RSV have all hidden what the 1611 translators gave us by changing “forces” to ‘fortresses’.  Those words are nothing alike in the original tongues; that’s simply purposeful satanic corruption—they’ve corrupted a stinging rebuke to ‘Star Wars’ fans. (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 125.)

·        Joel 2:32 matches Obadiah 17 in the AV 1611, but the NRSV has taken the “deliverance” out of verse 17 and “saviours” out of verse 21—both passages dealing with prophetic details about Millennial Zion.

·        The great Christmas scripture prophesying the birth of our Lord in Micah 5:2 is corrupted by the NAB, RSV, and NIV.  Here they’ve denied the eternality of Jesus Christ by changing “everlasting” to “ancient”. (See ‘The NIV: An “In-Depth” Documentation of Apostasy’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 23, ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ by Chick Salliby, pages 10-11, ‘New Age Versions’ by Gail Riplinger, page 340, ‘Final Authority’ by William P. Grady, page 294, ‘Fighting Back!’ by James L. Melton, pages 17 and 31, and ‘Let’s Weight The Evidence’ by Barry Burton, page 27.)

·        In the famous Palm Sunday prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ, which St. Matthew and St. John quoted respectively in Matt. 21:5 and John 12:15: the RSV (NCCC, 1952), the NRSV (NCCC, 1989), and the Living Bible (Kenneth Taylor, 1971) struck out the following phrase: "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass." (Zechariah 9:9 KJV) (See ‘Let’s Weight The Evidence’ by Barry Burton, page 33, ‘New Age Versions’ by Gail Riplinger, page 266, and ‘Fighting Back!’ by James L. Melton, page 31.)  ¶ It’s a horrible omission to take the word “salvation” out of the passage because this prophecy was fulfilled by JESUS: whose name means “JEHOVAH SAVES”.  That is why He is called “our Lord and Saviour” on the New Testament title page!  In other words, the King James Bible prophecies the Messiah’s name ~500 years before He is born; but the modern versions are Christologically bankrupt!

·        Like the NKJV, the ASV destroyed the truth concerning the Lord Jesus Christ’s role as “testator” (Heb. 9:16, 17 KJV) by changing the Lord’s Supper from “the new testament” in Matthew 26:28, Mark 14:24, and Luke 22:20 to ‘the new covenant’.  The word ‘covenant’ doesn’t convey this truth; the word “testament” does.  And again, while the KJV has “the new testament” in 1 Cor. 11:25, 2 Cor. 3:6, and Heb. 9:15, the ASV changed these also to ‘covenant’.  Also this is important because the Holy Bible (KJV) has an Old and New TESTAMENT.  Hebrews Chapter 9 explains this: both Testaments were instated with BLOOD.  The blood pictures death; that’s why all the Old Testament sacrifices foreshadowed the New Testament eternal sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ at Calvary.  Do you see what these corrupt versions are denying?  They’re denying blood sacrifice and atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Compare Colossians 1:14.  New versions hide the “testator” (Heb. 9:16, 17 KJV) in the Lord’s Supper by changing “the new testament” (KJV) to ‘the new covenant’.

·        Since the ASV, NIV, and the NASV are ecumenical ‘bibles’ they’ve tried to protect Mary’s ‘perpetual virginity’ in Matthew 1:25.  This is what they did: “And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS.” (Matt. 1:25 KJV) (See ‘Satan’s Masterpiece!’ pages 12-13, ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 97, 180, ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 23, and ‘New Age Versions’ page 109, 336.)

·        The NRSV corrupts our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’s genealogy in Matthew Chapter 1 by changing “Asa” to ‘Asaph’ and “Amon” to ‘Amos’.  Does this update to your Bible make it clearer?  Oh course not, the Alexandrian versions cloud the truth as usual.  Asaph was a psalmist in the Old Testament, and Amos was the minor prophet who wrote the Old Testament Book of Amos: they were not Judean kings on the throne of David—however it is clear from the Books of 1 & 2 Kings and 1 & 2 Chronicles that “Asa” and “Amon” were Judean kings on the throne of David: that’s why they are in Christ’s kingly genealogy in Matthew Chapter 1 in the AV 1611.

·        The Alexandrian versions omit the word “exceeding” from Matt. 2:10.  Nothing exceeds in Alexandria but sin.

·        The Douay-Rheims, NAB, RSV, NIV, NRSV, and ESV all remove the word “young” from Matthew 2:13, 14, 20, 21.  The ASV and NKJV retain the King James reading in all four verses.

·        The NIV and other apostate versions try to make Jesus Christ a sinner according to His own words with the following omission: “But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment...” (Matthew 5:22).  The problem is Christ DID get angry in Mark 3:5 and 11:15, but it wasn’t “without a cause”. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ by David W. Daniels, page 197.)  The Son of God also gets “angry” in Psalm 2:12.  Moreover, Apostle Paul commands Christians: “Be ye angry, and sin not...” (Eph. 4:26 KJV).  As you can see, these contradictions don’t come up in a KJB, only in versions like the NIV.

·        The bankrupted ASV (1901) omits two clauses the Lord Jesus Christ spoke in Matthew 5:44.  Exactly as David W. Daniels has shown on page 206 of ‘Look What’s Missing’. (See also ‘The “Errors” in the King James Bible’ by Ruckman, page 437, ‘Satan’s Masterpiece!’ page 13, and ‘New Age Versions’ pages 161, 173.)

·        Here’s what the ASV, Douay-Rheims, and other ‘new’ Alexandrian versions, have done to the closure of ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ from St. Matthew’s Gospel in the King James Version: "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen." (Matt. 6:13)  Yes, those are the famous words of the Lord Jesus Christ—excised by ‘conservative’ scholarship.  King David wouldn’t have cut those words out; his prayer in 1 Chronicles 29:11 is very similar to what’s been deleted here in corrupt versions.  Even Laodicean churches still recite the Lord’s Prayer in their liturgical services.  However, most of them don’t realize that the words in their mouth, while praying this prayer—can’t be found in their pulpits or pew Bibles.  (See ‘The Monarch of the Books’ by Ruckman, page 17, ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 206, ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 48, ‘Manuscript Evidence’ by Ruckman page 181, and ‘The King James Version Defended’ by Edward Hills, pages 192-196.)  Westcott and Hort’s RV (1881) set the trend with modern versions in omitting this verse because it’s not present in their darling manuscripts[ii] Vaticanus (B) and Sinaiticus (א).  However, Ufilas (or ‘Little Wolf’) had Matthew 6:13 all the way back before Vaticanus and Sinaiticus in his Gothic Bible (330 A.D.). (See ‘Manuscript Evidence’ by Ruckman page 224, ‘Final Authority’ by William Grady, pages 34-35.)

·        The ASV removes the following: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matt. 6:33 KJV) (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 609, ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 172, ‘Let’s Weigh the Evidence’ by Barry Burton, page 51, and ‘Satan’s Masterpiece!’ page 14.)

·        Jesus’ name is taken out of his own Gospel in the NRSV and NASB: “And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?” (Matthew 8:29)  In this case Legion has more integrity than the modern scholars! (See ‘Let’s Weigh the Evidence’ by Barry Burton, page 51.)

·        Matthew 9:13 and Mark 2:17 are companion Scriptures.  In the KJV the Lord Jesus Christ calls sinners “to repentance”; but the phrase has been removed from both Gospels in modern perversions: including the ASV (1901) and the NIV (1973). (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 98 and ‘Let’s Weigh the Evidence’ by Barry Burton, page 51, 54.)  Thus a significant part of true salvation is avoided by Alexandrians scholars.  Again, these are Roman Catholic 1582 Jesuit Rheims’ readings.  These scholastic heretics are aiding unrepentant men: "But God shall wound the head of his enemies, and the hairy scalp of such an one as goeth on still in his trespasses." (Ps. 68:21)

·        The NRSV and NASB have the following omission: "A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things." (Matthew 12:35) (See ‘Let’s Weigh the Evidence’ by Barry Burton, page 52.)

·        The RSV (1952) removed Matthew 12:47. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 70, 214.)  Wonder why?  Because the RSV is an ecumenical mistranslation, so Scriptures like Matthew 12:47 which repudiate Mary’s ‘perpetual virginity’ are a threat to Roman Catholicism.

·        After the Lord Jesus Christ finished speaking and interpreting His parables in Matthew 13, He asked the apostles if they understood.  The ASV (1901) restored the following Jesuit Rheims 1582 Egyptian ms reading: “Jesus saith unto them, Have ye understood all these things? They say unto him, Yea, Lord.” (Matthew 13:51 KJV)  This mutilated, abbreviated Roman Catholic text is a desecration: the Holy Scriptures have been erased, and Jesus Christ’s Lordship denied. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 147 and ‘Let’s Weigh the Evidence’ by Barry Burton, page 52.)

·        Verses like Matthew 15:8 cut ecumenical apostate pastors to the heart (see Acts 5:33, 7:54; Heb. 4:12).  I would not be able to rebuke (see Prov. 28:23) an erring brother with that Scripture if I used a NASV, NIV, NRSV, or RSV.  Why?  Because all those versions omit Matthew 15:8.  When the corrupting reprobates who put together those abominable perversions read that verse it cut them to the heart: so instead of repenting over it, they chose to get rid of the Scripture.  However, it’s found in the greatest Book (AV 1611) that’s ever been available to man. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 207, ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 39, and ‘New Age Versions’ page 191.)  Here’s what the ASV, NASV, NIV, RSV, and NRSV have done to Matthew 15:8: “This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.”  These words have been excised from Matthew 15:8 in modern mistranslations, despite the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ is quoting from Isaiah 29:13 (see v. 7), and those words are there in the Old Testament Book of Isaiah!  What they did was take St. Mark’s abbreviated quotation in Mark 7:6, and patched it into Matthew 15:8.  That’s the kind of patchwork scholarship the Lord Jesus Christ repudiated in Matthew 9:16 and Mark 2:21.

·        In the story of the Canaanite woman who had a daughter possessed with a devil (see Matt. 15:21-28), in the woman’s response to Jesus, when she said “Truth, Lord” (v. 27)—the word “Truth” has been taken out in the Douay-Rheims, NIV, and NRSV.  That’s because the TRUTH is hidden in those corrupt bibles; and the proud scholars who created those bibles don’t believe the truth about man’s depraved, unregenerate, sinful nature.  Here’s a little piece of advice: if the Lord of Glory calls you a “dog”, you humble yourself like this woman and say “Truth, Lord”.  That will get you a lot further than tampering with “the scripture of truth” (Dan. 10:21) because certain theology hurt your ego.

·        On page 14 of ‘Satan’s Masterpiece’ Dr. Peter S. Ruckman points out several omissions from St. Matthew’s Gospel—including Matt. 16:3, 17:21, 18:11, 20:7, 16, and 22.  While ‘Satan’s Masterpiece’ deals primarily with the NASV, it’s also representative of the Alexandrian ms basis for all the new/dark age ‘bibles’.  David W. Daniels confirms this by listing all the new perversions that omit these verses in his ‘Look What’s Missing’ book.

·        The hypocrites who put together the ASV and other ungodly perversions of the Holy Scriptures, felt the Lord Jesus Christ’s rebuke in Matthew 16:3 "O ye hypocrites" was ‘a little too close to home’—it cut them (see Heb. 4:12; Eph. 6:17).  So what did they do?  They tried to get rid of it by removing Christ’s words from modern perversions and mistranslations. (See ‘Satan’s Masterpiece’ by Peter S. Ruckman, page 14 and ‘Let’s Weigh the Evidence’ by Barry Burton, page 52.)

·        The ASV and NASV removed the Lord Jesus Christ’s Tetragrammaton “I am” reference to Himself in Matthew 16:13.  It’s preserved in the King James Bible.  This is where the Lord asks the disciples, “Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?” (Matt. 16:13 KJV)  If you’re quick, you’ll notice that the Lord Jesus Christ answered the question while asking it: by inserting an “I am” in His question!  This is what modern Bible perverts have removed. (See ‘Satan’s Masterpiece!’ page 28.)

·        Jesus’ name has been removed from Matthew 16:20 in the NRSV and NASB: "Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ." (Matthew 16:20) (See ‘Let’s Weigh the Evidence’ by Barry Burton, page 52.)

·        Matthew 17:21 is italicized in the ASV and bracketed in the NASV: as if the entire verse shouldn’t be there.  Well, the RSV, NRSV, NIV, NWT, NLT, et al. didn’t hesitate to completely omit the Scripture without a trace.  For the 1611 Bible-believer on the other hand, we can trace Matthew 17:21 back to the Textus Receptus.  Staying true to the Synoptic Gospels: a companion passage is found in Mark 9:29.

·        Yes, Matthew 18:11 has been completely wiped out of the RV and other new versions. (See ‘Translators Revived’ page xxxi, ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 3, ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 138, 190, and ‘New Age Versions’ page 193.)  You’ll find this declaration the Lord made in both Matthew 18:11 and Luke 19:10 in the Authorized King James Version of 1611.

·        Again, the ASV (1901) maliciously abbreviates the holy text in direct violation of Revelation 22:19 as follows: "They say unto him, Because no man hath hired us. He saith unto them, Go ye also into the vineyard; and whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive." (Matthew 20:7 KJV) (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 208, ‘Let’s Weigh the Evidence’ by Barry Burton, page 53, and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 39.)  No surprise this is a Roman Catholic 1582 Jesuit Rheims curtailed reading.  I’m persuaded that those who mess with the Lord’s parables: they themselves will be made a parable, a byword, and a proverb.

·        Here’s what ‘good, godly, conservative’ scholarship does to the Reformation Text in St. Matthew 20:16: “So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.” (Matt. 20:16 KJV) (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 193 and ‘Let’s Weigh the Evidence’ by Barry Burton, page 53.)  Alexandrians have showed here no regard whatsoever for the Textus Receptus, the King of Glory’s own words, and the doctrine of election.  I couldn’t help but notice this is a ‘call out verse’ in my KJV Cornerstone Family Bible © 2001 by Holman Bible Publishers.  You’d have half the verse missing if you ‘called it out’ from an ASV.

·        The ASV removes essential doctrine with the following omission: "But Jesus answered and said, Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with? They say unto him, We are able." (Matthew 20:22 KJV) (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 190-191, ‘Let’s Weigh the Evidence’ by Barry Burton, page 53, and ‘Manuscript Evidence’ pages 180-181.)  The NRSV has this grievous omission too.  Christ is teaching us here that there are more baptisms than just water baptism: here a baptism of suffering is taught by the Lord.  Moreover, the same passage is found in Mark 10:38: and St. Mark has the full reading there (even in the Alexandrian versions:) why wouldn’t St. Matthew have it too?  He does... in the AV 1611.

·        Matthew 21:44 is a powerful Scripture in the King James Bible.  The apostate committees of the RSV, NRSV, and NIV took the liberty (more accurately described as demonic bondage) to remove it completely from their perverse ‘Bibles’. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 75, 138, 197 and ‘The “Errors” in the King James Bible’ by Ruckman, page 438.)

·        Matthew 25:41 is one of the most terrifying Scriptures in the Holy Bible.  And from this warning, the KJV reader learns the devil has “angels”. (cf. Gal. 1:8; 1 Tim. 5:21; 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6)  In Matthew 22:30, (only 3 chapters earlier,) modern ‘bibles’ (including the RV (1881), ASV (1901), NASV (1963), RSV (1952), NRSV (1989), NLT (2004), NWT (2006), NIV (1973)) have omitted Christ’s words in red “of God” referring to the angels in the text.  This leaves the Lord Jesus Christ’s words ambiguous and open to an evil private interpretation. (See ‘Satan’s Masterpiece!’ page 15 and ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 201.)  The King James Bible clearly tells us these angels are God’s!  Remember “Every word of God is pure:” (Prov. 30:5), and small phrases like this have big meanings and implications.  The Lord Jesus Christ is discussing the “resurrection” in the context of this Scripture.  And the resurrection has two aspects: good and evil (see John 5:29; Dan. 12:2).  That’s part of the reason why the identification of the angels in Matthew 22:30 is so important, especially considering there are two types of angels.

·        The Lord Jesus Christ sends a resounding blast against “Nicolaitans” (Rev. 2:6, 15) and religious hierarchs such as the Pharisees and Roman Catholic popes and priests in Matthew 23:14.  Here their practice of soliciting ‘purgatory prayers’ and ‘indulgences’ for money (in direct contradiction of Is. 55:1 and Acts 8:20) is prophetically reproved.  Also their heartlessness while preying on the weak, such as elderly windows.  So guess what apostate/Jesuit ‘scholars’ have done?  Omitted the entire verse.  It’s italicized in the ASV, bracketed in the NASV, and omitted in the NIV.  When verses like these ‘hit a little too close to home’ (home being Rome), Catholic-sympathizing scholars strike the Scripture out; and in so doing: “...bring upon themselves swift destruction.” (2 Pet. 2:1)  Naturally, this sacred Scripture is missing from the RV, RSV, NRSV, NWT, NLT, and NAS; they didn’t like the threat of “...greater damnation.”  However, you will find this prophetical reproof of our precious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ preserved in the Protestant Reformation Bible of the 1611 Authorized King James Version, in Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen. (see ‘Satan’s Masterpiece’ page 15, ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 139, 197-198, ‘The Christian’s Handbook To Manuscript Evidence’ by Peter S. Ruckman, pages 112-113, ‘The NIV: An “In-Depth” Documentation of Apostasy’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 25, ‘New Age Versions’ pages 146, 395, and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ by Chick Salliby, page 34.)  In Salliby’s comments about this particular omission, he brings a strong indictment against the scholars who’ve removed this Scripture from their ‘bibles’.  Don’t be surprised such anti-Catholic scriptures are missing from RCC/ecumenical bibles: they knew the verse was about them.

·        Despite the fact that the ‘SWINE FLU’ (cf. Matt. 7:6, 8:30-32) [or H1N1] epidemic hit the world in 2008, modern corruptions of the word of God (including the ASV,) removed the word “pestilences” from the Lord Jesus Christ’s prophecy concerning the end times in Matthew 24:7. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 208-209.)

·        The ASV, NASV, and NIV deny the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ: "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh." (Matthew 25:13 KJV) (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 612, ‘Satan’s Masterpiece’ pages 15-16, and ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 195-196.)  The ‘new’ versions have restored the 1582 Rheims reading of the Jesuit inquisitors here. ¶ The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is one of the five fundamentals of the Christian faith.  It is denied in the NRSV and NASB in this verse here: "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh." (Matthew 25:13) (See ‘Let’s Weigh the Evidence’ by Barry Burton, page 53.)

·        Here’s how the Jesuit priest translation of 1582 and the ASV (1901) slice Matthew 25:31: "When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:" (Matt. 25:31 KJV).  So when the Lord Jesus Christ calls His angels “holy” the devil gets jealous and cuts out the word.  That’s why these new/dark age Roman Catholic texts are unholy.  Moreover the term is not superfluous.  The term is necessary to distinguish between two kings of angels: good and bad—just read verse 41 in the same Chapter.

·        Do you want to know how corrupt Matthew 27:35 is in the ASV?  They’ve taken out Matthew’s quotation of Psalm 22:18.  Here’s what they’ve the American Standard Version has done: “And they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting lots: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots.” (Matt. 27:35 KJV)  Notice: (1) Whereas the Holy Ghost has highlighted this fulfillment for us, the ASV committee has hidden it (2) David is no longer a “prophet” (3) One of the greatest and clearest prophecies of Crucifixion of Jesus Christ is no longer directly quoted.  People, when men have tampered with prophecies about the most important event in all eternity, with have to be shocked and indignant about such satanic mutilations of Holy Writ.  Words cannot describe the eternal penalty which awaits men who’ve been so animalistic to do so.  The NASV (1963) has this same omission. (See ‘Let’s Weight the Evidence’ by Barry Burton, page 53.)  This is not scholarship—this is the devil’s con artistry.  (See also ‘Forever Settled’ by Dr. Jack Moorman, pages 202-203 and ‘The King James Version Defended’ by Edward Hills, pages 262-263.)  ¶ The full KJV reading with the psalms quotation is found in the Tyndale (1525), Geneva (1560), and Bishop’s (1568)—all three Bibles being Protestant Reformation Holy Bibles, all of which also helped contribute to serve as the basis and foundation for the King James 1611 Bible. ¶ It basically boils down to this: the Laodiceans are so stupid that they prefer a Roman Catholic flavored bible over a Protestant Reformation Bible; and a theologically inferior bible to a theologically and Christologically superior one; and a curtailed bible to a plenary inspired Bible that promotes piety, holiness, and faith in the word of God.  But that’s why we are in the general apostasy AND the latter-day/end-time apostasy.

·        As custom, Satan raises doubt to the validity of Scripture with footnotes in the NIV, NRSV, and RSV questioning “the Son of God” (Mark 1:1).  The Jehovah’s Witnesses’ bible completely removes the title.  Whoever is responsible for this and other omissions will surely face the risen Christ on judgment day and he’ll hear: "And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." (Rev. 22:19)  (See ‘The King James Version Defended’ by Edward Hills, page 175, ‘Look What’s Missing’ by David W. Daniels, pages 121-122, 180 and ‘Bible Babel’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, pages 41-43.)

·        Again, the ‘triplets’ (ASV, RSV, NASV) [and the NIV] all prove erroneous in Mark 1:2-3.  Here Alexandrian scholars have made a miserable blunder; and as usual, they’ve insinuated God has lied.  Right here at the beginning of St. Mark’s Gospel they’ve falsely cited ‘Isaiah’ while quoting from Malachi in Mark 1:2 (cf. Mal. 3:1), and Isaiah in verse 3 (cf. Is. 40:3).  The King James Version does not falsely attribute the penmanship of Malachi 3:1 to Isaiah, but rightly reads “prophets” since two Old Testament prophets are being quoted. (See ‘Final Authority’ by William P. Grady, page 291, ‘Satan’s Masterpiece!’ by Peter S. Ruckman, pages 37-38, ‘The Christian’s Handbook of Manuscript Evidence’ by Peter S. Ruckman, pages 128-130, 179, ‘The NIV: An “In-Depth” Documentation of Apostasy’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 25, and ‘Ruckman’s Battlefield Notes’ page 151.)  Ruckman says Origen is responsible for the origin of this pathetic error. (see ‘The Mythological Septuagint’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, 112.)

·        The NASB and NRSV pervert doctrine with this omission: "Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God" (Mark 1:14). (See ‘Let’s Weigh the Evidence’ by Barry Burton, page 54.)  Jesus Christ DID NOT preach “the gospel of God”.  That was revealed to the Apostle Paul after the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Christ.  Paul wasn’t called until Acts Chapter 9, then “the gospel of God” (Rom. 1:1) was revealed to him. (see Gal. 1:11-12)  The gospel Jesus Christ preached was for Israel to receive their Messiah and hence usher the long-awaited Davidic “kingdom”.  It didn’t happen at that time, so Paul was called to be the Apostle to the Gentiles; and thus the Gentiles were saved and adopted into the family of God.

·        Half of this verse is from St. Marks’ Gospel is missing in the Rheims and ASV: "And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city." (Mark 6:11 KJV)  There isn’t anything more despicable than to mess around with the words of the Lord Jesus Christ and chop them up; but this is what Roman Catholic ‘scholarship’ does on a regular basis. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 198 and ‘Manuscript Evidence’ page 181.)  It will also be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for those who’ve had their hand in mutilating this verse—that’s why they took it out!

·        In typical, hateful, satanic fashion Mark 7:8 is ripped in half by the ASV.  Here’s what the ASV does to the words of Christ: “For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.” (Mark 7:8 KJV)  There are no “pots and cups” in Mark 7:8 in the ASV.  Woe unto them!  They just didn’t like the Holy Spirit inspiring the 1611 translation to perfectly describe kitchen utensils used to this day.

·        The Lord Jesus Christ’s call to the Holy Spirit in Mark 7:16 is omitted in the NIV and RSV.  It’s italicized in the ASV, and bracketed in the NASV.

·        The ASV omits the following: “And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.” (Mark 9:29 KJV)  The Lord Jesus Christ spoke of an extraordinarily resilient demon-possession, which required an extraordinary action: prayer AND fasting.  Don’t get me wrong, prayer in itself is powerful, but it’s ordinary.  Prayer coupled with fasting is extraordinary, and extra-powerful.  That’s the point the Son of God made, if you’re reading the King James Text.  Why would Jesus have mentioned the abnormal circumstance, and then recommended a normal solution?  He wouldn’t and didn’t.  You see poor mistranslations such as these show just how ridiculous the new versions really are.  These junky ‘bibles’ try to make the Lord’s speech sound suspicious; yet to the Alexandrian cult we say: “...but the fault is in thine own people.” (Ex. 5:16)  The new perversions attack this same combination of prayer and fasting the same way in 1 Corinthians 7:5. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 204-205.)  Who’s suspicious now?  That’s like saying, ‘To climb Mt. Everest: you’ll need clothes.’  This Bible story about Jesus’ miraculous healing of the demon-possessed child occurs in all three of the Synoptic Gospels (see Matt. 17:14-21; Mark 9:14-29; Luke 9:37-43).  That’s accounts for a total of 31 verses of Holy Writ dedicated to this story; and the only lesson you can get from a NASV is ‘prayer’.  Again, I’m not against prayer or the power of prayer, but this was an extreme circumstance that called for drastic measures.  You don’t think the disciples knew how to pray?  They already knew how to pray.  They were born and raised in Judaism.  Both Matt. 17:21 and Mark 9:29 end with “...prayer and fasting.”  That’s of course in the King James Bible: the only English Bible which will give you an accurate and true account of the Lord Jesus Christ’s publick ministry.

·        “Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.” (Mark 9:44, 46 KJV)  To drive home the danger of eternal damnation, the Lord Jesus Christ repeated a quotation of Isaiah 66:24 three times in Mark 9:44, 46, 48.  The ASV (1901) italicizes these first two warnings (v. 44, 46), and the NIV (1973) and the NASV (1963) omit them. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 139, 194-195, ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ pages 43-44, ‘New Age Versions’ page 286, and ‘Manuscript Evidence’ page 135.)  Right between these new age omissions, in verse 45, another warning concerning the horrors of hell is removed: “And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:” (Mark 9:45 KJV). This phrase has been omitted from the ASV, NIV, and all other 20th century versions. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 195 and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 43.)  Of course these are mutilated Westcott and Hort readings.

·        In Mark 10:21 the Lord Jesus Christ tells us to “...take up the cross...” (Mark 10:21 KJV).  There is no cross-bearing in the 1582 Jesuit Rheims mistranslation, or its American restoration in 1901, or the ASV’s follow-up the NASV—the phrase is gone in those perverted Roman Catholic texts! (See ‘Satan’s Masterpiece’ page 17.)

·        Contemporary apostates have attempted to make salvation hard.  Watch how the following omission in the RSV, NASV, NRSV, NIV, NWT, NLT, et al. falsifies what the Lord Jesus Christ said, and perverts His meaning: "And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!" (Mark 10:24 KJV) (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 188-189, ‘New Age Versions’ page 229, and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 34.)  Not only has a valuable warning been eradicated in their depraved texts, but a completely wrong teaching has been introduced.  The eternities of souls are at stake, yet these Bible critics could careless that they’ve “...perverted the words of the living God...” (Jer. 23:36).  Messing with Christ’s words is surely the sin of sins, and will be greatly punished in the afterlife.

·        The Rheims and ASV strikeout this clause from St. Mark’s Gospel: "Blessed be the kingdom of our father David, that cometh in the name of the Lord: Hosanna in the highest." (Mark 11:10 KJV) (See ‘Manuscript Evidence’ page 136 and ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 216.)  Here’s the problem.  If you don’t come “in the name of the Lord” you won’t be blessed, you’ll be cursed because the Antichrist’s kingdom comes before the Lord Jesus Christ returns. (see 2 Thess. 2)  This is the precise reason why these words are missing in the Antichrist’s Roman Catholic bibles and manuscripts.  Conclusion: the office of the Roman Pontiff is the seat of the Antichrist; and his bibles (e.g. Jesuit Rheims 1582) permeate with the antichrist spirit.

·        Mark 11:26, as found in the 1611 Holy Text, is a wonderful teaching the Lord Jesus Christ gave us on forgiveness.  However the ASV italicized it and it’s omitted or bracketed in all other 20th century ecumenical mistranslations.

·        The ASV, RSV, NAB, and NIV abuses Jesus’ words again here: "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment." (Mark 12:30)  (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ by David W. Daniels, page 211.)  This corrupt rendering will of course match the Christ-denying Jehovah’s Witnesses’ NWT.

·        Here’s another phrase omitted in the Rheims 1582 and the ASV: "But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:" (Mark 13:14 KJV).  The Lord Jesus Christ’s mentioning of Daniel, and titling him as a “prophet” is cut out.  This is important information too, because many cavilers have criticized the Book of Daniel because its prophecies are so keen.  However a good old fashioned commendation from the King of Glory, preserved in the 1611, clears up any ambiguities about the inspiration of Daniel’s writings. (see ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 211, ‘Manuscript Evidence’ pages 181-182, and ‘Defending the King James Bible’ by Waite pages 141.)

·        Almost all modern perversions have the following omission from St. Mark’s eschatological Chapter 13.  Here where the Lord Jesus Christ admonishes us towards the end of His prophetical discourse: “Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.” (Mark 13:33) (See ‘Look What’s Missing pages 203-204.)

·        Isaiah 53:12 is one of the greatest prophecies about the Crucifixion in the Old Testament.  This prophecy gives us a clear picture of the how the Lord Jesus Christ was slain.  It gives us a depiction of the ‘3 crosses’ [†††] we’re familiar with as Christians.  In fact this prophecy is so important that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself quoted it in Luke 22:37. (Jesus’ quotation of this Scripture in Luke 22:37 was in itself a prophecy, of what would be fulfilled in the next Chapter of Luke’s Gospel (see Luke 23:32-33).)  So why’s it missing from St. Mark’s Gospel?  The Holy Spirit quoted it in Mark 15:28 to show us the prophecies’ direct fulfillment at Calvary. (Where it should be.)  Yet it’s italicized in the ASV and bracketed in the NASV; and as usual, it’s completely omitted from the RSV, NIV, NRSV, NLT, RV, and NWT. (See ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 52, ‘Satan’s Masterpiece!’ page 18, ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 98, 216-217, ‘Manuscript Evidence’ page 122, ‘New Age Versions’ page 191, and ‘The Translators Revived’ page xxix.)  Even the NKJV retains this reading.  The 1909 Spanish Reina-Valera has the reading. ¶ Is it not appalling that the Scriptures, which the Son of God, so highly esteemed during His earthly ministry; these very same Scriptures are handled by modern day reprobates, Pharisees, and Nicolaitan scholars with as much care, respect, and concern as dog doth his chew toy, or a child his sandcastle.  There’s a big discrepancy there.  The Lord Jesus Christ quotes the Scripture (Luke 22:37); and the modern Nicolaitans omit it (Mark 15:28).  The Laodicean/Nicolaitan butchery of the ‘traditional New Testament’ (see 2 Thess. 2:15) [viz. Textus Receptus, Erasmus, Beza, Luther, Tyndale, Reformation Bibles, AV 1611], compared to the Lord Jesus Christ’s, the apostles’, and faithful saints’ reverence of the Scriptures is separated by “...a great gulf fixed...” (Luke 16:26).  The difference is as opposite and wide as heaven from hell, and the Lord Jesus Christ from Satan. ¶ Again, considering the prophetical nature of Mark 15:28/Isaiah 53:12 along with Rev. 19:10, 13, 22:19—the omission of this prophetical Text is so outrageous a sin, which by the grace of God and our Lord Jesus Christ, no man should want to be associated with.

·        The last twelve verses of Saint Mark’s Gospel (Chapter 16) are omitted, bracketed, or footnoted in modern versions.  I’ve written exhaustively on this demonic fraud in another article.  (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ by David W. Daniels, pages 76, 140-141, 217-218.)

·        The following portion of the angel's greeting to Mary has been omitted by the ASV and NIV: "And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women." (Luke 1:28 KJV) (See ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 23, ‘New Age Versions’ page 109, and ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 219.)

·        Luke 2:1-2 in the KJV 1611 says all the world was “taxed”; but the NIV calls it merely a “census”, or the RSV reads “enrolled”. (See ‘The “Errors” In the King James Bible’ by Peter S. Ruckman, pages 328-330.)

·        The NAB, RSV, ASV, NIV, and Rheims 1582 all pervert the angel’s Christmas announcement in Luke 2:14.  Instead of the 1611’s “good will toward men” these ecumenical version teach a works doctrine with “men of good will” or “men on whom his favor rests”.  (See ‘1 in 23,000,000’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 66, ‘Forever Settled’ by Dr. Jack Moorman, pages 92, 158, ‘The King James Version Defended’ by Edward Hills, page 229, and ‘New Age Versions’ by Riplinger, page 232.)

·        Referring to Jesus Christ, the ASV and the NASV blasphemously calls Joseph ‘his father’ in Luke 2:33; the NIV calls Joseph the ‘child’s father’.  (See ‘The Attack’ by Jack T. Chick, page 20, ‘Satan’s Masterpiece!’ by Peter S. Ruckman, pages 34, 36-37, ‘Manuscript Evidence’ by Ruckman, pages 26, 119-120, and ‘Bible Babel’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, pages 48-51.)  Why don’t they simply call him “Joseph” like the ‘Original Tongues’ of the Textus Receptus Greek manuscripts—which is the basis for the King James Translation?  The ASV and the NIV do it AGAIN only 10 verses later by calling “Joseph and his mother” (Luke 2:43 KJV), ‘his parents’.  Blasphemy! (See ‘The Translators Revived’ page xix and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 22.)  That’s a subtle corruption of Satan to deny: ‘The Chief Subject of the Sacred Book’[iii] (see 2 John 9)—viz. the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ as truthfully preserved and revealed in the AV 1611, Textus Receptus manuscripts, and all other orthodox Translations (i.e. Valera’s Spanish Bible, Luther’s German Bible, Itala (Old Latin) Bible, English Protestant Reformation Bibles (e.g. Wycliff, Tyndale, Coverdale, John Rodgers (pseudonym Thomas Matthew), Great Bible, Geneva Bible, Bishops’ Bible), etc.).  I have a digital copy of the 1909 Valera (Spanish Version of the Holy Bible or ‘La Santa Biblia’) and guess what’s in Luke 2:33, 43? "José" (Reina-Valera 1909), that’s means “Joseph” in English, just like the King James Version; and not like the modern perversions, which have restored the 1582 Jesuit Rheims text which refers to Joseph as ‘his father’ or ‘parents’. ¶ When Mary called Joseph His “father”, the Lord Jesus Christ corrected her in the very next passage. (see Luke 4:28, 29)  Compare the two verses: lowercase “father” is what Mary said, but uppercase “Father” is what the Lord Jesus Christ said.  Remember, the Holy Ghost is the author of all Scripture.  The Holy Ghost is giving us Luke’s Gospel narrative.  The Holy Spirit said He conceived the child Jesus Christ (see Luke 1:35). (See ‘Which Bible Version’ by David E. Walker © 2006, Day Star Publishing and ‘Manuscript Evidence’ by Ruckman, page 26.)

·        This is what the ASV of 1901 and the Jesuit Rheims of 1582 does to Luke 2:40: “And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him.” (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 349.)

·        Here’s how the ASV treats the Lord Jesus Christ’s rebuke to the devil in Luke 4:4: “And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.” (Luke 4:4 KJV)  Do you know what that phrase is missing in the ASV?  Because as you can see from this document, an ASV reader is far from having “every word of God” because Nicolaitan scholarship has excised God’s word like they’ve done here in Luke 4. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 172, ‘The Mythological Septuagint’ by Peter S. Ruckman, page 112, and ‘Which Bible Version’ tract by Dr. David E. Walker.)

·        Here’s another Jesuit Rheims mutilation of Scripture, found also in apostate/Catholic versions like the ASV: “And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.” (Luke 4:8 KJV)  This reproof against Satan shews the power, dominance, and authority the Lord Jesus Christ has over all evil spirits, including their evil head.  So anything that glorifies Jesus Christ or His power has got to be removed from apostate/Catholic scholars—they don’t like the Stronger Man (Jesus) spoiling their goods. (cf. Luke 11:21-22 KJV)

·        Here’s another example of how Alexandrian ‘bibles’ (including the RV, ASV, NASV, RSV, NRSV, NWT, NLT, and NIV) have removed comforting Scriptures.  This time they’ve deleted the Son of God’s sabbath day reading of Isaiah 61, when He was in the synagogue at Nazareth.  Here’s what they did to the King James Version’s reading of Luke 4:18: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised".  Remember these are the Lord Jesus Christ’s very own words!  How dare they clip away at “the holy scriptures” (Rom. 1:2; 2 Tim. 3:15)!  Through these Scriptures the Holy Spirit directly ministers and heals the broken hearted!  According to Psalm 33:18 and Psalm 51:17 these are the exact persons the Lord Jesus Christ is looking to heal.  Plus, the Lord Jesus is reading from Isaiah Chapter 61; and what these Alexandrian ‘scholars’ have omitted in Luke 4:18 can be found in Is. 61:1—which the Lord Jesus Christ was quoting all along. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 192 and ‘New Age Versions’ page 454.)  ¶ These five aspects of Jesus’ ministry, prophesied in Isaiah 61:1-2, were the Lord’s spiritual commission.  Jesus took His mission very seriously, because God gave it to Him: He wouldn’t have omitted a single point from this outline in Luke 4:18—and He didn’t omit anything—IN A KING JAMES BIBLE.

·        Here’s the 1582 Jesuit Rheims rendition of Luke 4:41, restored contemporarily via Westcott, Hort, and Schaff: "And devils also came out of many, crying out, and saying, Thou art Christ the Son of God. And he rebuking them suffered them not to speak: for they knew that he was Christ." (Luke 4:41)  Again, one needs only to see the Names of the Lord Jesus Christ being omitted from these passages to see these perversions of Scripture are the work of antichrist spirits!  It’s not like these are minor omissions.  The Names of the Lord Jesus Christ are the most prominent aspect of Holy Writ, because according to John 5:39 the true Holy Scriptures (as preserved in the 1611 Translation) will testify of the Lord Jesus.

·        This vile excision is a manifestation of the antichrist spirit’s envious hatred of the Lord Jesus Christ’s miracle-working power: “And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any” (Luke 8:43 KJV).  Omissions such as these prove the corrupters of the word of God (see 2 Cor. 2:17) on the NCCC (RSV–1952) and IBS (NIV–1973) committees have gone at great lengths, doing as much as they can, to downplay the holy and glorious deity of our dear Lord Jesus Christ. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 219-220 and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 28.)  P.S. St. Luke the physician would have know about these “physicans”!

·        From reading Luke 9:54 in the King James Bible, we know certainly the sons of thunder were familiar with 2 Kings Chapter 1.  However you wouldn’t know this by reading the ASV or the Jesuit Rheims mistranslation: "And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did?" (Luke 9:54 KJV)  These Roman Catholic perversions omitted Elijah from the sacred Scripture!  Should I be as mad as James and John about this?  Yes!

·        Here the ASV has removed the Lord Jesus Christ’s rebuke; notice the following subtractions from the Holy Writ: “And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And they went to another village.” (Luke 9:54-56 KJV)  What a catastrophic omission!  If deletions like this aren’t enough to make you reconsider modern ‘Bibles’ then you are jaded. (See ‘Manuscript Evidence’ page 123, ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 192-193, ‘New Age Versions’ page 192, ‘No Liars In Heaven’ tract by Jack T. Chick, and ‘New Bible Versions’ tract by Dr. David E. Walker.)

·        The Alexandrian scholarship of the ASV committee reduced “Jonas the prophet” (Luke 11:29 KJV) to ‘Jonah’.

·        Since Satan is "the accuser of our brethren" (Rev. 12:10), he tried to cover up for himself by omitting the following in ecumenical Roman Catholic ‘Bibles’: "Laying wait for him, and seeking to catch something out of his mouth, that they might accuse him." (Luke 11:54 KJV) (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 220 and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 49.)

·        The NIV omits “the Lord” in Luke 17:6.  In 2 Pet. 2:1 and Jude 4 the Holy Ghost said “...denying the Lord...” would be exactly what false prophets do.  The King James Bible DOES NOT deny the Lord Jesus Christ is this Scripture.

·        The ASV italicized all of Luke 17:36.  It’s missing in the NASV. (See ‘Satan’s Masterpiece!’ page 19.)  The Lord Jesus Christ is speaking prophetically about details concerning the Rapture.  These words of Christ should not be excised!  Woe unto them!  The NIV skips this verse also and then puts it in the footnotes; same thing with the NRSV.

·        Little did the presumptuous spies know they were breaking a commandment set forth by Moses in Deuteronomy 6:16, however Philip Schaff has tried to cover up for his 'brethren' with the ASV’s following deletion: "But he perceived their craftiness, and said unto them, Why tempt ye me?" (Luke 20:23 KJV) (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 212.)  Don’t forget, the Lord Jesus Christ reminded us about this commandment earlier in St. Luke’s Gospel (Luke 4:12).  This omission was also reinstalled in the NIV (1973).

·        In full false, antichrist, prophet fashion, new/dark age bibles have removed the following from the King James Version: "And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat" (Luke 22:31 KJV).

·        Jesus’ agony in Gethsemane in Luke 22:43-44 is omitted from the RSV. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 71.)

·        The RSV ‘shows its true colors’ by denying the angelic help the Lord Jesus Christ received, and sufferings He endured in the garden of Gethsemane by completely omitting, without a trace, Luke 22:43-44.

·        This is what the NRSV and NIV do to Luke 22:64: "And when they had blindfolded him, they struck him on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophesy, who is it that smote thee?" (Luke 22:64)  (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 190.)

·        Substantial facts about the Lord Jesus Christ’s passion have been italicized by the ASV in Luke 23:17.  This helpful parenthetical phrase of Scripture has been completely omitted in other versions, such as: RV, NASV, RSV, NRSV, NIV, &c. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 142-143, 220-221 and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 51.)

·        The word “Calvary” is synonymous with the Crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ.  It’s found in Luke 23:33 (KJV).  But you won’t find “Calvary” in the ASV, NASV, NIV, NWT, &c.  Why?  Because Satan would love to remove one less word from Christians’ vocabulary describing the place where the King of Glory forever defeated him.  As Samuel Gipp points out, this corruption of Luke 23:33 leaves many local churches without a name (e.g. Mount Calvary Baptist Church), and many good hymns with a term modern ‘Bible’ readers will never be familiar with. (See ‘More Than Doctrine’ by Samuel C. Gipp © 2005, Day Star Publishing.)

·        In Luke 23:34, with the spirit of anti-Semitism, the RSV, NAB, and NIV all discredit the validity of Jesus’ prayer for His people (the Jews) on the cross with footnotes. (See ‘The King James Version Defended’ by Hills, pages 170-172.)

·        In one of the great instances of faith in the Bible, the thief on the cross cries out to the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation.  Recognizing both Christ’s Kingship and Lordship, the repentant thief entreats the Crucified King by addressing Him as “Lord” (Luke 23:42)—according to Apostle Paul’s ‘Romans Road’ confession in Romans 10:9, (and seen also in 1 Corinthians 12:3).  This great confession is preserved in the King James Bible, but “Lord” has been omitted from modern perversions (like the ASV, RSV, NIV, NAS) in a vain attempt to deny the Lord Jesus Christ’s Deity and Lordship; and thus hide the humble plan of salvation for sinners. (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 269, 331, 349, ‘The Christian’s Handbook To Manuscript Evidence’ pages 123-124, ‘The NIV: An “In-Depth” Documentation of Apostasy’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 26, and ‘New Bible Versions’ tract by Dr. David E. Walker.)

·        The ASV (1901), RSV (1952), and the NASV (1963) all pathetically try to reduce the miraculous, supernatural phenomena of the sun being darkened at the Lord Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion (see Luke 23:45; Amos 8:9) into a mere natural eclipse. (See ‘Satan’s Masterpiece!’ by Ruckman, page 66, ‘Manuscript Evidence’ pages 167-168, ‘The NIV: An “In-Depth” Documentation of Apostasy’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 26, and ‘New Age Versions’ page 199.)

·        The 1952 Communist committee of the RSV obviously wanted to obscure the facts about the Lord Jesus Christ’s resurrection in Luke’s Gospel.  The angel’s declaration from Luke 24:6, “He is not here, but is risen”—is omitted. (Despite the fact that the Synoptic Gospels corroborate the Scripture in Matthew 28:6 and Mark 16:6.) (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 70, 222.)

·        The RSV continues to butcher St. Luke’s account of the Lord Jesus Christ’s passion and resurrection by removing crucial details.  Peter’s investigation of the Lord Jesus’ empty tomb, in Luke 24:12, was completely removed. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 71, 143, 222.)  The RSV communist committee then audaciously proceeded to remove Jesus’ appearance to the disciples in Luke 24:40. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 70, 90, 143, 222)  Again, these Scriptures the RSV has omitted from Luke’s Gospel, concerning the Lord Jesus Christ’s resurrection can be corroborated by reading John’s Gospel Chapter 20.  These Luke Chapter 24 omissions prove the RSV to be one of the worst of the Alexandrian mistranslations.

·        The “honeycomb” the apostles gave to the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ in Luke 24:42 is missing from the ASV (1901).  It’s also missing from the Communist RSV (1952), the NASV (1963), the NIV (1973), and most other modern perversions. (See ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 54 and ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 222.)  This omission destroys the cross-reference to Song of Solomon 5:1: Canticles Chapter 5 beginning with a Tetragrammaton “I am”.

·        The NASV omits Christ’s ascension in Luke 24:51, but then the NASU (1995) put it back in.  It was in the AV 1611 the whole time. (See ‘The Answer Book’ by Samuel Gipp, Question 10, pages 49-51, ‘Satan’s Masterpiece! The New ASV’ by Peter S. Ruckman, pages 38-41, and ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 88, 90, 222-223.)

·        The NASV and NWT (Jehovah’s Witnesses’ ‘bible’) both reveal their antichrist/Gnostic/philosophic (cf. Col. 2:8) influence in John 1:18.  They’ve altered the King James Bible and taken Origen’s position and Arian denial of the Lord Jesus Christ’s deity.  The 1611 reads, “...the only begotten Son...” (John 1:18).  The NASV and NWT read, ‘the only begotten God’.  Now that’s a massive alteration; with profoundly blasphemous implications.  Notice: a Christ-rejecting cult’s ‘bible’ (NWT) and an apostate fundamentalist’s ‘bible’ (NASV) both attach themselves to Arianism, the antichrist spirit, and the Alexandrian philosophers of the 2nd century.  They’ve both attacked the Virgin Birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, and His eternality as well.  (See ‘Final Authority’ pages 95-96 and ‘Satan’s Masterpiece’ pages 41-45.)

·        The humility and subjection of John the Baptist is hidden in new versions, (including the ASV,) because apostate scholars removed “preferred before me” from John 1:27.

·        The RV, RSV, NWT, etc. all omit the following: "And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven." (John 3:13 KJV)  With this omission the spirit of antichrist has denied Christ Jesus' omnipresence.  While Jesus was on earth in the flesh for 33 years He was still in heaven. (See ‘Manuscript Evidence’ pages 134-135, ‘The NIV: An “In-Depth” Documentation of Apostasy’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 28, and ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 199.)

·        How gross are these Roman Catholics corruptions?  Critical warnings from the mouth of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself have been erased.  Here’s what the old (1901) and new (1963) ASV did to John 3:15: “That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:15 KJV)  THE WARNING IS OUT!  This is despite the fact that that Lord Jesus Christ repeated Himself with a very similar phrase in the next passage—John 3:16, the most famous Scripture in the Bible!  This also is a NIV omission. (see ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed, page 44)

·        Modern perversions like the Message and NIV can’t even get John 3:16 right.  They say Jesus Christ is God’s “only Son”.  Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!  False doctrine.  You need to go back to Chapter 1 and read verse 12: there you find “...the sons of God...” (John 1:12 KJV).  See the plural?  Why then do you try to make the Book the Holy Spirit inspired lie?  Because you’re serving Satan, that’s why.  Want some more “sons of God”?  Read Genesis 6:2, 4.  Read Job 1:6, 2:1, 38:7.  Read Isaiah 45:11.  Read Luke 3:38.  Read Philippians 2:15.  Every born-again Christian is a “son” of God! (see Rom. 8:14, 19, 29; Gal. 4:4-6; 1 John 3:1-2)  That’s what a “son” is—a child!  Quote, “...the children of the living God.” (Rom. 9:26)  That’s Apostle Paul’s quotation of Hosea 1:10, where the Holy Text reads, “...Ye are the sons of the living God.” (Hos. 1:10)  Again, Hebrews 12:8 essentially tell us that if we’re not “sons” then we’re “bastards”.  That’s why through redemption in the Lord Jesus Christ, God is “Our Father” (Matt. 6:9).  Here’s some more.  Hebrews 2:10 calls us who’ve received salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ “sons”; that’s why we’re “brethren” (vs. 12; Rom. 8:29) with the Son of God.  What a horrendous error on behalf of ‘professing’ (see Rom. 1:22) Christians!  The ecumenical harlot Max Lucado couldn’t even quote the most famous Scripture in the Bible right when he published a book titled ‘John 3:16 numbers of hope’. (See Chick Publications’ 2010 product catalog, page 24 and ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 179.)  The street man knows how to quote John 3:16; but it takes a Jesuit seminary education and a sky-rocketed bloated ego to learn how to misquote it and teach false doctrine at the same time.  ¶ I can tell you one ministry that will never adopt the new perversions corrupt rendering of John 3:16: Prophecy In The News (P.O. Box 7000, Oklahoma City, OK 73153).  And the reason is because they often study the ‘seed of the serpent’ prophecy from the first Book of Moses, Genesis.  And because this study is prophetical, they are often comparing Genesis 3:15 and Genesis 6:2.  So when we come to Genesis 6 in our King James Bible we find “the sons of God”.  Again, it’s impossible to teach this prophetic study if there are no “sons” (plural).

·        The Samaritans’ confession after their conversion in John 4 in botched by the ASV.  Here’s what antichrist scholarship has done: "And said unto the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world." (John 4:42 KJV)  See how Satan and scholars go hand-in-hand?  Satan was at Origen’s right hand (see Ps. 109:6), chopping up Texts like these.  This ASV (Philip Schaff) corruption is a restoration of the 1582 Rheims, and therefore also a Latin Vulgate (Jerome) reading, and a Vaticanus reading and a—ALL ORIGEN CORRUPTIONS.  The AV reading containing “Christ” is found in all the English Protestant Reformation Bibles including: Tyndale (1525), Geneva (1560), and Bishop’s (1568).

·        Here’s what the ASV italicized, and other modern/Alexandrian ‘bibles’ have omitted from John 5:3-4: "In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water. For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had." (John 5:3-4 KJV)  Half of verse 3 and all of verse 4 is ripped out by apostate scholarship.  Notice: narrow-minded, faithless reprobates will always deny miracles.  Westcott and Hort didn’t believe in literal Biblical miracles.[iv]  Therefore it’s no surprise to see these words missing from their RV (1881), and every other new/dark age bible that’s followed their corrupt Greek text since then.  If they had believed in Biblical miracles, they would have also been more inclined to believe the Lord God Jesus Almighty has also preserved His Words; instead of trying to patch up some old shoddy African/Gnostic/Roman Catholic manuscripts and codices.  Barry Burton shows this is a NASV omission on page 50 of ‘Let’s Weight The Evidence’. (See ‘Manuscript Evidence’ page 148 and ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 143, 202, 223-224.)

·        Roman Catholic ‘Bibles’ (e.g. Jesuit Rheims, ASV, and NIV) abbreviate St. John’s Gospel here: “And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay him, because he had done these things on the sabbath day.” (John 5:16 KJV) (See ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 49 and ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 224.)

·        Notice what the spirit of antichrist does to the Lord Jesus Christ’s words in John 6:47 (as preserved in the KJV): “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.” (John 6:47)  Here the Lord Jesus Christ is lays down the plan of salvation: the words “on me” close the ‘door’ on false prophets; and limits salvation through Him alone (cf. 1 Tim. 2:5 KJV)—as the only “door”. (see John 10:1, 2, 8, 9)  But new perversions such as the ASV (1901), NASV (1963), and NIV (1973) have opened door back open to false prophets and lying spirits; as a matter of fact, these perversions of the Bible and their editors are the lying spirits. (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 269, ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 98, 185, ‘Let’s Weight The Evidence’ page 32, and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 7.)  Modern apostate Christianity never emphasizes believing on and in the Lord Jesus Christ: only a nebulous, pantheistic, antichrist belief matters to them.  Apostate Christianity has the same problems DEVILS do in James 2:19. (See ‘New Bible Versions’ by David E. Walker © 2006, Day Star Publishing.)

·        In John 6:69 “that Christ, the Son of the living God” (AV 1611) is changed in the ASV, RSV, NRSV, ESV, and NIV to ‘the Holy One of God’—that is what the DEVILS called Him in Mark 1:24 and Luke 4:34! (See ‘Bible Babel’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 12.)  That’s a DEMON’S CONFESSION in your modern, apostate, corrupt bibles.

·        John 8:1-11 is missing in the Sinaiticus (א) manuscript. (See ‘Fighting Back!’ by James L. Melton, page 12.)  Although it’s a great Bible story, existing in thousands of God-honored, Christ-exalting TR manuscripts: apostate scholars have dubbed John 8:1-11 dubious by either bracketing or footnoting these passages.  Why?  Because apostates love anything obscure and retarded like Aleph. (See ‘The “Errors” in the King James Bible’ pages 335-336, ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 76, 143-145, 224-225, and ‘The King James Version Defended’ by Edward Hills, pages 197-207.)

·        Want to see a fulfillment of Jer. 23:36, Ezek. 5:6, Rom. 1:25, and 2 Cor. 2:17 right in front of your face?  Look what the RSV did to John 9:35.  The KJV 1611 reads, “...Dost thou believe on the Son of God?”  The RSV has denied the deity of Christ with, ‘Do you believe in the Son of man?’  Woe unto the NCCC!  Woe unto the IBS!  Their NIV does the same thing.  With the antichrist/Arian spirit in full effect, John 9:35 was been changed from “Son of God” (KJV) to ‘Son of Man’ in new/dark age versions, including the NASV (1963) and NIV (1973). (see ‘New Age Versions’ page 268, 335, ‘Satan’s Masterpiece!’ page 30, ‘The “Errors” in the King James Bible’ page 375, ‘Manuscript Evidence’ by Ruckman, pages 25, 121, ‘Bible Babel’ by Dr. Ruckman, pages 12-13, ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 19, ‘Final Authority’ by William Grady, pages 293, 295, and ‘Let’s Weight The Evidence’ by Barry Burton, pages 24 and 85.)  This is of particular interest because this passage is: #1 the Lord Jesus Christ’s own words, and #2 it’s dealing with the conversion of a man.  Man needs God to be saved; not another man.  That’s why the doctrine of Jesus Christ’s Lordship is so pertinent to Scriptures concerning salvation.  Again, this clarity which is found in the King James Bible—is ripped to shreds by modern apostate scholars.  Ezekiel is called “son of man” at least 90 times in the Old Testament, that’s one thing; “Son of God” is another.  The Gospel of John was written so you would believe Jesus is the “Son of God” (see John 20:31), not the ‘Son of man’.

·        Philip Schaff’s 1901 abomination butchers the following Scripture: "Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me." (John 11:41 KJV)  Notice this ASV omission is an attempt to reduce the miracle of the Lord Jesus Christ raising Lazarus from the dead.  No surprise this is a Jesuit priest reading from 1582.

·        The ASV (1901) and the 1582 Rheims demote the Lord Jesus Christ’s divinity by changing “my Father” (KJV) in John 16:10 to ‘the Father’.

·        Alexandrian ‘bibles’ (including the RV, ASV, NASV, RSV, NRSV, NIV, NLT, and NWT) have deleted the following from the Lord Jesus Christ’s statement concerning His ascension in John 16:16 in the King James Bible: "A little while, and ye shall not see me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see me, because I go to the Father." (John 16:16) (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 177 and ‘New Age Versions’ page 360.)  This is omission is particularly sordid on behalf of modern day Bible mutilators because the apostles repeat what Jesus Christ said in the very next verse.

·        The ASV (1901), NASV (1963), and RSV (1952) corrupt the word “infallible” in Acts 1:3 (KJV). (See ‘Satan’s Masterpiece!’ page 66.) Notice again the spirit of antichrist removes anything divine in association with Jesus Christ.  This omission is a restoration of the 1582 Jesuit priest mistranslation at Rheims college.  Since none of the members of the ASV committee believed in an INFALLIBLE BIBLE, they change the KJV’s “infallible proofs” to a downgraded ‘many proofs’.  (See ‘Manuscript Evidence’ pages 133-134.)

·        The NIV removes “Christ” from David’s throne in Acts 2:30 and instead places ‘one of his descendants’. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ by Daniels, page 158.)  This omission is of course a restoration of the Jesuit Rheims Dark Age bible.

·        Ruckman has done an exhaustive study on Acts 4:27, 30 in his booklet entitled ‘King James Onlyism In Action’ (available from Bible Baptist Bookstore, P.O. Box 7135, Pensacola, Florida 32534).  In these Holy Scriptures of Acts 4:27, 30 in the King James Bible, the Lord Jesus Christ is repetitively called “...thy holy child Jesus...” (Acts 4:27, 30 AV 1611).  For apostates and reprobates: that’s way too much “sound doctrine” and Holy Ghost-glorifying (see John 16:14) of the Son of God for Nicolaitan antichrists to handle, so what did they do?  Corrupt it of course.  They’ve change God’s “child” into a ‘servant’.  They’ve followed Roman Catholic scholarship, yea worse than the 1582 Jesuit translation.  This is such a blatant error because David, in the context of these Scriptures, is referred to as God’s “servant” in verse 25.  Thus they’ve put the Lord Jesus Christ on the same level with David (cf. Rom. 3:10, 23, 5:12) in Acts 4 through their perverseness.  However, when the apostles are praying in Acts 4:25-26 they mention David’s name and quote Psalm 2:1-2.  Well now, this information tells us a few things: (1) David penned Psalm 2, (2) “his anointed” (Ps. 2:2) is “his Christ” (Acts 4:26), and (3) In Psalm 2, the Lord Jesus Christ is called the LORD’S “Son” (Ps. 2:7, 12) in two verses.  So here’s the question: What better describes the LORD’S “Son”?  A servant or child.  Considering the context of Psalm 2, even the slightest act of piety would acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ as God’s “holy child” over ‘servant’ (even if you capitalize the ‘S’ in servant). [cf. 1 John 2:23; Jude 4]  Hebrews Chapter 3 correctly contrasts Moses and Christ.  Moses was a “servant” (vs. 5), but Christ a “son” (vs. 6).  Galatians 4 also talks about the difference between servants and sons.  The RV (1881), ASV (1901), RSV (1952), NASV (1963), NRSV (1989), NKJV (1982), and NIV (1973) are all guilty culprits in denying the Lord Jesus Christ’s Progeny/Deity in Acts 4:27, 30. [See also ‘additional Acts 4.27, 30 notes.doc’.]

·        As St. Stephen recalls the Exodus account, the Rheims and ASV manifest the antichrist spirit with the following subtraction: “And when forty years were expired, there appeared to him in the wilderness of mount Sina an angel of the Lord in a flame of fire in a bush.” (Acts 7:30 KJV)  Read Exodus 3:2; the KJV is right—as usual. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 202, ‘Manuscript Evidence’ page 182, and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 57.)

·        Acts 8:37 is italicized in the ASV (1901).  David W. Daniel’s deals with the new versions’ omission of this verse at length in his ‘Look What’s Missing’ book: see chapter 2 and pages 145, 185.  That’s real convenient for apostates to raise doubt about the clearest Scripture in the Holy Bible about water baptism.  I guess those who lived in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries would be considered heretics because they’ve added to the word of God (see Prov. 30:6; Rev. 22:18): since this Scriptures been in the English Bible since 1611. (See also ‘Why the King James Bible is the Perfect Word of God’ pages 37-38, ‘New Bible Versions’ tract by Dr. David E. Walker, ‘The King James Version Defended’ by Edward Hills, page 263.)  Omissions such as these ‘pave the way’ for Roman Catholic heresies such as infant baptism.  Of course this Scripture is omitted from the RV (1881), Hort ‘maintained’ ‘baptismal regeneration’. (See ‘Final Authority’ page 229.)  ¶ By the way, this passage (Acts 8:37) shows us the eunuch met the criteria for salvation or conversion with his confession: as set forth by the Apostle Paul in Rom. 10:9 and the Apostle John in 1 John 4:15.  That confession was the KEY to Philip permitting him to be baptized in water—it was the prerequisite or condition for his baptism—exactly how it is in a Baptist church.

·        Here’s what the ASV does to the KJV’s record of Saul’s conversion in Acts 9: “And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.” (Acts 9:5-6)  That’s 32 excised from the English Protestant Reformation Bible, including 3 times where Jesus is called “Lord”. (cf. 1 John 2:23; 2 John 9) [So you tell me, based on Acts 9:5-6, which Bible is God’s: the ASV or KJV?]  Remember we’re dealing with Saul’s conversion here; and Paul later tells us in Romans 10 that recognizing and confessing Jesus as “Lord” is required for salvation.  The ASV and NASV’s omissions in Acts 9 are despite the fact that Paul retells the account of his conversion in Acts 22 and 26.  And with those two accounts you see the ‘full spectrum’ of what was originally recorded in Acts 9 and preserved in the Textus Receptus, and all good and holy translations of God’s Word. (See ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 5, ‘Satan’s Masterpiece!’ page 20, ‘The Monarch of the Books’ by Ruckman, page 17, and ‘The King James Version Defended’ by Edward Hills, pages 263-264.)

·        Here’s another ASV omission: “He lodgeth with one Simon a tanner, whose house is by the sea side: he shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do.” (Acts 10:6 KJV)

·        It was “the angel of the Lord” (Acts 12:23 KJV) which smote Herod in the 1611 Translation.  But in the NIV and RSV, because the definite article is removed, you wouldn’t know this is Jesus Christ because it cheaply reads ‘an angel of the Lord’. (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 265.)

·        Acts 15:34.  The King James Bible reads, “Notwithstanding it pleased Silas to abide there still.” (Acts 15:34)  The ASV however italicizes this verse; and it’s completely removed from new/dark age perversions thanks to scholarship onlyism and dead duck otherism. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 130, 145, 226.)

·        Acts 16:31 is a great Scripture most all soul-winners are familiar with.  By God’s grace in Christ, I actually had this Scripture as a bumper sticker for a few months in 2010.  This is how Apostle Paul converted the Philippian jailer.  Here’s what Roman Catholic-sympathizing scholarship has done to the reading the Protestant Reformers contended for: “And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” (Acts 16:31 KJV)  And there you see it right before your eyes—the work of the antichrist spirit.  That’s the reading of the Jesuit Rheims unholy bible, restored by Westcott, Hort, and Schaff.  According to John 5:39 the Holy Scriptures testify of the Lord Jesus Christ.  So why would you want a ‘bible’ that omits Jesus Christ’s Name dozens, yea scores of times?  I don’t.  And any soul-winner (see Prov. 11:30) who’s ever quoted this KJV Scripture while witnessing has appreciated the Lord Jesus Christ’s full title in this passage preserved in the 1611’s reading. (see ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 159)

·        The ASV (1901) and the NASV (1973) both have this excision: "And now, behold, I know that ye all, among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom of God, shall see my face no more." (Acts 20:25 KJV)  Taking God out of His own kingdom?  It won’t happen.  Woe unto Alexandrian scholars! (See ‘Let’s Weight The Evidence’ by Barry Burton, page 55 and ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 173.)

·        Acts 20:28 is one of the most hated Scriptures by apostates.  Why?  BECAUSE IT TELLS ABOUT GOD’S BLOOD.  That means the blood that was shed for us (the Church of Jesus Christ) was God’s blood.  Do you see how unavoidably clear this passage spoken by Apostle Paul defines the Deity of the Dear Lord Jesus Christ?  Because of this apostates and antichrists within the RCC have an assortment of ways of finagling this Scripture.  What they do is remove the connection between “God” and “blood”; that way they can attempt to prevent the Holy Ghost in Paul glorifying Jesus.  This base, devilish, envious wresting is evident in the ASV and RSV. (See ‘Let’s Weight The Evidence’ page 23, ‘The Christian’s Handbook To Manuscript Evidence’ pages 120-121, and ‘The King James Version Defended’ by Edward Hills, page 264.)

·        Here’s what the ASV does to Acts 23:9: "And there arose a great cry: and the scribes that were of the Pharisees' part arose, and strove, saying, We find no evil in this man: but if a spirit or an angel hath spoken to him, let us not fight against God."  It obvious Philip ‘chaff’ Schaff and the ASV committee WAS fighting against God by corrupting His words: so they threw the phrase out. (cf. Acts 5:39 KJV)  The ASV restored a 1582 Jesuit Rheims’ reading here! (See ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 36.)

·        In Acts 24, a man named Tertullus is falsely testifying against the Apostle Paul.  In his speech, he over-exaggerated the facts before the governor Felix.  That’s called perjury.  But the end-time apostasy age new perversions (e.g. RV, RSV, NIV, NRSV, NLT, NWT, et al) have tried to cover up for Tertullus by removing a large chunk of his speech.  Here’s what they did to the holy KJV Text: “Who also hath gone about to profane the temple: whom we took, and would have judged according to our law. But the chief captain Lysias came upon us, and with great violence took him away out of our hands, Commanding his accusers to come unto thee: by examining of whom thyself mayest take knowledge of all these things, whereof we accuse him.” (Acts 24:6-8 KJV).  See that?  In these 3 verses Westcott and Hort excised 34 of 62 words.  On whose side is the Alexandrian cult on?  Tertullus or Paul?  The King James Bible is own Paul’s side. (see ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 145, 226-227 and ‘Manuscript Evidence’ page 183.)

·        The 1582 Jesuit priests’ mistranslation and the ASV (1901) attack the “resurrection of the dead” by removing the half of the phrase from Acts 24:15: “And have hope toward God, which they themselves also allow, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust.” (Acts 24:15 KJV) (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 196.) [cf. Rev. 20:13 KJV]

·        In Acts 27:23 “...the angel of God...” (KJV) has been cheapened in false bibles (e.g. Rheims, ASV, NASV, NIV, et al.) to read ‘an angel of God’. (See ‘New Age Versions’ by Gail Riplinger, page 265.)  They dropped the article so you wouldn’t see the angel’s divinity and identity is the Lord Jesus Christ.  The Rheims (1582) Catholick bible and the ASV (1901) ecumenical bible also did the same thing in Acts 5:19, 8:26, 12:7, 23.

·        Here’s what the 1582 Rheims, ASV, and all other twentieth century perversion have done to Acts 28:16: “And when we came to Rome, the centurion delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guard: but Paul was suffered to dwell by himself with a soldier that kept him.” (Acts 28:16 KJV) (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 227.)  Why has this phrase been omitted?  It’s retained/contained in the King James Bible.  The KJV readings are the readings of the Textus Receptus/Reformation Text.  The AV 1611 preserves our Christian forefathers’ Philadelphian readings.

·        Acts 28:29 is italicized in the ASV, bracketed in the NASV, and completely omitted in the NIV, NRSV, and the NCCC’s RSV. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 146, 227, ‘Satan’s Masterpiece’ page 20, and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ pages 9-10.)

·        This is how modern perversions (such as ASV, RSV, NIV, NASV) deny the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ and rip up the King James Bible at the same time: “Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh;” (Romans 1:3). (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 310)  Here again, ‘new’ versions have restored the 1582 Rheims reading.

·        The NAB and NRSV change “impart” to ‘share’ in Romans 1:11.  This is done despite the fact that Paul obviously imparted a spiritual gift to Timothy at his ordination service (see 1 Tim. 4:14).

·        Apostle Paul wrote, For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ...” (Romans 1:16 KJV).  Its obvious modern scholars are ashamed of Christ and His Gospel, because they excised His holy Name out of Romans 1:16. (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 269, 310 and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 7.)  The Jesuit priests at Rheims also omitted “Christ” here.  Martin Luther wasn't ashamed of Christ, he preached Him boldly: "Christo" is found in his 1545 German Bible.  Cristo” is also found in the Italian (Diodati) Bible.  This Christological reading is found in the Bishop’s Bible, and the Textus Receptus (which is the basis for the Bishop’s Bible and the King James Bible).  This reading was so important to the English Reformers that the verse was printed on the presentation/introduction page of the New Testament in the Bishop’s Bible (see ‘The Making of the King James Bible New Testament’ by Laurence M. Vance, page 41).

·        “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools” (Rom. 1:22), describes this next omission the ASV ‘scholars’ excised in direct disobedience to Rev. 22:19.  Here’s a prime example of their impiety: in description of the Lord Jesus Christ, in Jude’s doxology, in Jude 25, they’ve omitted the word “wise”.  How ‘wise’ do you think it is to tamper with Scripture, and deny God’s wisdom?  Not very wise according to Proverbs 21:30 and Psalm 147:5.

·        The #1 thing our sex-crazed culture needs to hear is "holy scriptures" (Rom. 1:2) like Romans 1:29.  But the following has been excised from ASV: "Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers" (Romans 1:29 KJV) (See 'Look What's Missing' page 229.)  Notice since the American Standard Version was released in 1901, there came shortly thereafter the ‘roaring twenties’, then the sex and drugs of the 60’s and 70’s, and now all the way up to today's wretched society of pornography and sexual immorality.  Maybe our forefathers who read the King James Bible lived morally because their Bible preached against sins modern 'bible' don't.  As an unsaved young person in the 90's, I could have greatly benefited by being reproved by such verses as Romans 1:29—in the Authorized 1611 Version.  The Holy Bible (KJV) doesn’t recommend ‘safe sex’ (like today’s public schools in America), it commands abstinence.

·        Here’s another impious Alexandrian omission: “our Lord” is take out of Romans 6:11—literally in new perversions.  The ASV, NRSV, and NIV are all culprits here.

·        Here’s what the ASV, NASV, NIV, and others did to Romans 8:1 (KJV): "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." (Rom. 8:1)  Do you see that?  There’s a condition that’s been omitted.  How is a Christian going to ‘walk with the Lord’ when his instructions have been cut out? (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 183, ‘Satan’s Masterpiece!’ pages 67-68, and ‘Manuscript Evidence’ pages 150-151, 183.)  Notice the Holy Ghost anticipated the fraudulence of modern scholars and repeated the phrase is verse 4.

·        In Romans 8:32 the RSV, NRSV, and NIV omit the word “freely” just like Eve did in Genesis 3:2 (cf. Gen. 2:16)—the modern scholars yield to Satan just like their mother Eve.  In this case, the modern translators have restored a 1582 Jesuit Rheims Dark Age bible omission.

·        Here’s another Alexandrian omission found in the ASV, NRSV, and NIV: "For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth." (Rom. 9:28)  Here the word “righteousness” has been taken out—the word that best describes Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.

·        Again, notice the clarity which corrupt versions “take away” (Rev. 22:19) from the KJB: "Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone;" (Romans 9:32).  Here Roman Catholics (Rheims [1582]) and ecumenicists (ASV [1901]) have cut out a dogmatic Pauline phrase involving salvation. (see 'Look What's Missing' pages 229-230.)  Apostle Paul is reiterating what he and the other apostles settled in Acts 15.  Quoting such scriptures is how you respond to modern day Judaizers.

·        Here’s what the ASV (1901) and the NIV (1973) did to the King James Bible (1611) in Romans 10:15: "And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!" (Rom. 10:15)  Remember, Paul had the apostolic authority to render Isaiah 52:7 as we see it preserved in Romans 10:15 in the KJV.  However, modern scholars DO NOT have the authority to tamper with Paul’s writings.  This excision of behalf of Philip ‘chaff’ Schaff drastically hurts preachers of the Gospel of our dear Lord Jesus Christ.  The curtailed readings in the NIV prove it to be a corrupt and skimpy text.

·        Catholic and ecumenical versions protect the usage of image worship by removing the following from the KJV 1611: "...I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal." (Romans 11:4)  Is it any wonder why this phrase is missing in the Rheims and NAB, and why the Roman Catholic church changed the 2nd Commandment?  Protestants in the Reformation rejected image worship and that’s why the fuller reading is found in the PROTESTANT HOLY BIBLE.  I know that these words were added by the 1611 translators because they are in italics.  But I believe the King James committee was inspired and the good hand of the Holy Ghost was upon them.  All of the italics in the King James Bible are given for clarification; not to change the content.  That’s not true with the modern versions, you can’t tell what they’ve added because those translations are dynamic (not formal) and they didn’t have the integrity to use italics.  Anyway, we can see this particular instance is inspired in the KJV’s italics because the reference has to do with image worship, which is the cardinal sin of the Roman Catholic church.  This is a prophetical warning for AV readers because in the tribulation the Antichrist (with the help of unsaved Catholics) will promote image worship. (see Rev. 13:14-15)  This is an example of why the KJV is an advanced revelation.  I thank thee Holy Spirit for the warning you added in 1611!  Amen.  By the way, you’ll find “the image of Baal” in the Old Testament in 2 Kings 10:27.

·        Almost all of the new perversions (including the ASV [1901]) take out one of the clearest statements in the Bible the Holy Ghost makes about delineating (i.e. ‘drawing a line between’/differentiating/separating [cf. 2 Tim. 2:15]) grace from works, and thereby clarify the doctrine of salvation by grace. (Sola gratia)  They do this by omitting half of Romans 11:6. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 189 and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ pages 60-61.)

·        Philip ‘chaff’ Schaff and the ASV (1901) committee cut the 9th Commandment out of Romans 13:9.  They convicted themselves on that.  The Lockman Foundation’s NASV (1963) and the NIV (1973) followed suit. (See ‘New Age Versions’ by Gail Riplinger, page 175, ‘Satan’s Masterpiece!’ by Peter S. Ruckman, pages 20-22, 64, ‘The Christian’s Handbook of Manuscript Evidence’ by Peter S. Ruckman, pages 151, 183, ‘The NIV: An “In-Depth” Documentation of Apostasy’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 33, and ‘The Bible Believer’s Commentary Series: The Book of Romans’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 132.) ¶ Queen Elizabeth wasn’t a liar, she was a godly Protestant who advanced Biblical Christianity with her Bishop’s Bible, that Bible INCLUDES the 9th Commandment in the passage, because like I said, Elizabeth wasn’t a liar; neither was James I. ¶ We know the Textus Receptus reading is correct because the same Spirit said we should “walk honestly” (Rom. 13:13) in the same chapter only four verses later.  If you walk honestly you won’t bear false witness.

·        The following excision can be found in the 1582 Rheims, ASV, and NASV: "He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks." (Romans 14:6 KJV) (See ‘Let’s Weight The Evidence’ by Barry Burton, page 55.)

·        Satan’s antichrist “wiles” (Eph. 6:11) can really be seen when he downplayed the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ in the ASV’s and NASV’s rendition of Romans 14:10. (See ‘Let’s Weight The Evidence’ by Barry Burton, page 22 and ‘The “Errors” in the King James Bible’ by Peter S. Ruckman, page 72.)  The ‘Bema Seat’ Judgment of believers is specifically called “the judgment seat of Christ” in Romans 14:10 and 2 Corinthians 5:10.  These apostate ‘Bibles’ have changed “Christ” in Rom. 14:10 to ‘God’.  Do you know why they do that?  So Satan can break the cross-reference between “Christ” in vs. 10 and “God” in vs. 12.  It’s the same old satanic tactic and modus operandi: modern scholars operating under the influence of the antichrist spirit will always corrupt and pervert doctrinal passages in the Bible anywhere the Lord Jesus Christ is associated with “God” or called “God”. (e.g. I Tim. 3:16; John 1:18, 9:35—in modern African/Alexandrian versions)

·        The “gospel” has been removed from Rom. 15:29 in the ASV, NASV, and NIV.

·        The Gospel is properly called “the gospel of Christ” by the Holy Spirit—because it’s Christ’s Gospel.  The ASV and all other twentieth century perversions destroy this phrase in Romans 15:29: “And I am sure that, when I come unto you, I shall come in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ.” (Rom. 15:29 KJV) (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 194).  ¶ The Bishop’s Bible of 1568 has full/correct reading here.

·        As Apostle Paul winds down the Epistle to the Romans, his closing in Romans 16:24 [and is similar to all the other closings in Pauline Epistles][v] is completely omitted.  Totally removing “our Lord Jesus Christ” from His own Bible; and removing Paul’s commendation to Christ’s “grace”.  So the whole verse is gone!  In a large number of perverse versions!  It’s italicized in the ASV, bracketed in the NASV, and completely missing from the NIV, RV, NWT, RSV, NRSV, and NLT. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 146, 169, ‘Let’s Weight The Evidence’ by Barry Burton, page 55, and ‘Satan’s Masterpiece!’ page 20.)  This verse is missing in the Sinaiticus. (See ‘Forever Settled’ by Dr. Jack Moorman, page 113 and ‘Fighting Back!’ by James Melton, page 12.)

·        In 1 Cor. 1:18 the word “saved” (KJV) is changed in the depraved ecumenical and catholic perversions to ‘being saved’.  This idea that salvation is a matter of progression is a damnable heresy which the devil has perpetuated in these bibles also in 1 Pet. 2:2.  Let’s just set the record straight: when a man hears the gospel of Jesus Christ (the deathly atonement for sin, sins, and sinners on the Cross, the burial, and the resurrection of Christ) and believes it and confesses Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour—he is then instantly and eternally transformed from a child of the devil to a son of God, he is born-again and becomes a new creature in Christ, he is raised up with Christ, he is regenerated and anointed by the Holy Ghost, all of his sins (past, present, and future are forgiven, purged, taken away, and redeemed through the Lamb’s blood), he is given the righteousness of God Almighty, he is given eternal life (to never lose it again), he is translated from Satan’s powerful dominion to the kingdom of the Son of God, and he is made a joint heir with Christ. Amen!  That’s gospel truth.  With all that taking place in a moment, don’t you think it’s safe to say he’s “saved”?  I do, because I am saved and I know what the Holy Bible teaches about New Testament salvation.  The spirit of the born-again believer in Christ doesn’t ‘grow’; his spirit is already the Spirit of Christ! (That doesn’t need to ‘grow’ people!)  The only thing that develops for the Christian is his mind, his heart, and his soul.  Salvation takes place in the spirit, because salvation is a spiritual issue; and as I just said the believer’s spirit is identical to Christ’s Holy Spirit. (See ‘Answers to your Bible Version Questions’ by David W. Daniels, page 182.)

·        Here’s another haughty, hateful, antichrist omission in the ASV: “In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 5:4).  What happens to vile sinners (such as corrupters of God’s Word)?  Read the next verse (1 Cor. 5:5) in the King James Bible—they’re delivered to Satan.

·        The doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ’s substitution or vicarious death is viciously attacked by modern perversions (viz. the ASV [1901] and NIV [1973]): they’ve removed the small, yet dogmatic phrase “for us” from 1 Cor. 5:7 and 1 Pet. 4:1. (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 194, ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 186, and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 8.)  The ASV and NASV have restored the Jesuit Rheims’ perverted readings here.  This was done again in the NRSV in Hebrews 9:12.

·        Slicing the Word of God is what the Rheims, ASV, and NASV have done to this Scripture: “For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.” (1 Corinthians 6:20) (See ‘Let’s Weight The Evidence’ by Barry Burton, page 55.)  The ASV also changes the present tense “are bought” (KJV) to a corrupted and less secure past tense.

·        The phrase “by the law” is omitted from the ASV’s perverted rendition of 1 Corinthians 7:39.  This is despite the fact that Apostle Paul said the same thing in Romans 7:2.  Thus the typology and application here to the Christian’s relationship to the Law and Gospel is cleverly destroyed in the ASV by Satan. (See ‘Let’s Weight The Evidence’ by Barry Burton, page 55.)

·        The phrase “...the gospel of Christ...” in I Corinthians 9:18 has been sliced by false scholars: they’ve taken “Christ” out His own Gospel in the modern perversions. (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 269 and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 7.)  This is also a Jesuit Rheims 1582 omission and a NIV omission (see ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 96-97, 161).

·        The ASV and RSV blaspheme Jesus Christ and deny His Deity in 1 Corinthians 10:9.  Here they’ve changed “Christ” (KJV) to ‘the Lord’ (ASV).  The problem is somebody has altered what the Holy Ghost originally led Paul to write.  “Christ” is significant in this Scripture because the context here involves the Jews’ exodus which took place 1,400 years before the Lord Jesus Christ’s virgin birth.  Therefore the Scripture clearly shows us the pre-existence of Christ, and thus His Deity too. (e.g. Heb. 11:26)  I agree, ‘Lord’ is a Divine title too.  Jesus Christ is Lord. (see Acts 2:36; 1 Cor. 12:3; Phil. 2:11)  But again, the Scripture has been tampered with.  And the reason you don’t tamper with it is because: GOD TOLD US NOT TO. (see Prov. 30:6; Rev. 22:18-19)  Plus, man is too dumb to always understand what the Holy Spirit is uttering.  God was also called “Lord” in the Old Testament, but He wasn’t revealed as “Christ” until the New Testament.  Therefore, here Apostle Paul ‘bridges the gap’ between the Testaments and relates that Christ and the Lord God of the Old Testament are one and the same.  In the New Testament, the Father God is sometimes called “Lord”, and the Son of God is called “Lord”; yet here, by using the title “Christ”, Jesus is specifically associated with Old Testament Israel—as He should be!  So you see, this eccentric Alexandrian reading does not boost Jesus Christ’s Deity at all, instead it creates confusion about a clear and remarkable instance of His pre-existence: and pre-existence is of course a divine attribute.  Placing the Lord Jesus Christ in the Jews wilderness journeys is not a ‘theological problem’ when you understand and believe His Deity and eternality.  These kind of blasphemous and satanic variant alterations of Scripture come from demon-possessed men who rejected the Deity of Jesus Christ, so they changed the passage to suit their own depraved views.  This is exactly what Origen and other Alexandrian philosophers did to the word of God in the 2nd century.  Remember, the Holy Ghost, by the grace of God, will always teach us to glorify the Lord Jesus (see John 16:13-14); that’s why Paul glorified Christ in 1 Corinthians 10:9.  Notice something else here.  Philip ‘chaff’ Schaff and the ASV committee have followed the typical hypocritical, pharisaical pretense. (see Matt. 7:21-23, 15:7-9, 23:25-28)  While they use the word ‘Lord’ in this verse, which appears godly, at the same time their alteration has corrupted the passage because of its Old Testament context, and removed the eternality of Christ from it.  THAT’S WHY YOU LEAVE IT ALONE.  Then they persecute (see John 5:16) anybody who sees through their pretenses, rejects their ‘scholarship’, or reproves their devilish errors.  The Reina-Valera (1909) Bible agrees with the King James Text, “Cristo” is found in verse 9.  (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 305, 332, 499-500) 

·        Apostle Paul’s quotation of Psalm 24:1 is missing from 1 Corinthians 10:28 in the ASV and the Jesuit Rheims mistranslation. (See ‘Manuscript Evidence’ page 176.)  The ASV also omits the word “idols” despite St. John’s warning in 1 John 5:21.  Isn’t that interesting?  The American Standard Version omitted the word “idols” in 1901; a hundred years later, and millions of American’s today have missed the same warning by watching a TV show called American Idol.

·        The word ‘imitate’ means to mimic or counterfeit.  This is the word the ASV and NASV decided to put in 1 Cor. 11:1 and Eph. 5:1 instead of the KJV’s “followers”.  Thus these counterfeit bibles want to create counterfeit Christians: an ‘imitator’ is a demon-possessed hypocrite.  Satan is the greatest ‘imitator’ of God there is, he said, “...I will be like the most High.” (Is. 14:14)  Yet this is the word these apostates have chosen to describe Christians’ relationship to Christ—WRONG! (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 182.)  We are “followers” because we follow Christ’s commands. (see John 14:15, 21)  I’ve told people “I’m a follower of Jesus Christ”, I could never imagine saying to someone “I’m an imitator of Christ”—they’d think I was a loony antichrist.  Any mother will tell you she tells her children to FOLLOW the household rules, not imitate them!

·        In 1 Cor. 11:24, in the King James Bible, Apostle Paul is quoting Matt. 26:26 and Mark 14:22.  However, in the new and Catholic versions the Lord’s words “Take, eat” at HIS Supper are taken out! (See ‘Manuscript Evidence’ by Peter S. Ruckman, page 176.)  Versions I found with this omission are ASV, RSV, NRSV, NIV, ESV, and NAB.  Versions WITH this reading include: Tyndale (1525), Geneva (1560), and Bishop’s (1568).

·        The Jesuit Rheims, ASV, and NIV deny the Lord Jesus Christ again in 1 Corinthians 15:47.  Remember these are Egyptian readings from the Vaticanus (B) and Jerome’s Dark Age Latin Vulgate: “The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.” (1 Cor. 15:47 KJV)  Right here, with these corrupt renditions, these apostate/Nicolaitan/Alexandrian scholars perfectly fulfilled the Holy Ghost’s prediction in 2 Peter 2:1 and Jude 4.  Paul wouldn’t have left out “the Lord” here, he was a Spirit-filled man (see John 16:14), and he made this same comparison between Adam and the Lord Jesus Christ in Romans 5.  According to Ruckman, “Lord” (as in the KJV) can be found in the following Wasp Reformation Bibles: Tyndale, Geneva, and Bishops’. (See ‘Manuscript Evidence’ pages 139, 177, ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 150, and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 63.)

·        In 1 Corinthians 16:15 the AV use the word “addicted” in a positive connotation—this choice of words by the Holy Spirit has been changed to ‘devoted’ in the NIV and NRSV.

·        Do you think these apostate scholars love the Lord Jesus Christ?  Do you think they love His words?  You better think again.  The following excision proves they DON’T: “If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.” (1 Corinthians 16:22 KJV)  That’s why these Christ haters are accursed.  (See ‘New Age Versions’ pages 303-304, 332, 374 and ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 168.)

·        As if it wasn’t even enough to take Christ’s name out of His own Bible in the previous verse: the Alexandrians removed “Christ” again in verse 23 of 1 Corinthians Chapter 16.  Here your new ‘Protestant’ versions match the JW’s NWT in opposition to the Reformers’ Bibles (see ‘Look What’s Missing’ by David W. Daniels, page 162.)

·        The Gospel of Christ is called “glorious” in 2 Corinthians 4:4 in the King James Version.  As typical of antichrist spirits, they try to steal the Lord Jesus Christ’s glory: therefore the word “glorious” describing the Gospel of Christ in 2 Cor. 4:4 has been removed from the ASV, NASV, and NIV. (see ‘New Age Versions’ page 260)

·        The Rheims (1582) and ASV (1901) fulfill 2 Peter 2:1 again in 2 Corinthians 4:10: “Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.” (2 Cor. 4:10 KJV) (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 151.)

·        Modern perversions chop the entire phrase “that ye should not obey the truth” out of Galatians 3:1.  Including the NIV and the NASV. (See ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 37, ‘Final Authority’ page 112 , ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 232, ‘Manuscript Evidence’ page 177, ‘The NIV: An “In-Depth” Documentation of Apostasy’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 36, and ‘The “Errors” in the King James Bible’ page 8, 141.)  Despite the fact that the exact same phrase in found only 2 chapters later in Galatians 5:7!  Obviously that’s why Paul wrote to the Galatians: to get them back on track to the Gospel Truth.  But then modern ‘scholars’ come along like their predecessors, the false apostles who evil affected the Galatians, and meddle with Galatians 3:1: because their whole purpose is to subvert the TRUTH and the Holy Bible (KJV) that contains it.  Yes, the false apostles who “bewitched” (Gal. 3:1) the Galatians in the 1st century are in the same league with the false scholars, who also hinder the truth by publishing corrupt ‘Bibles’ presenting a false gospel—no marvel they cut up the Scriptures that expose their demonic practices!  While the false apostles sought to cut the Galatians foreskins, today false scholars cut your Bible! [Note: the greatest Reformer (Martin Luther) had this phrase in his Bible.  As a matter of fact Luther translated the German Bible.  Without doubt Luther’s translation of the Epistle to the Galatians included this phrase in this verse.  This is evident by reading his own commentary on this Epistle: where he notes the Galatians departure from the truth.  Where did Luther get his Bible from?  From Erasmus’ Greek New Testament of the Textus Receptus readings.  These are the same readings the KJV is based on.  That’s why the KJV 1611 and Luther’s commentary INCLUDE this phrase from Galatians 3:1 which is missing in all modern perversions.]

·        Galatians 3:16 tells me the NKJV is an incorrect version.  For two reasons.  The Apostle Paul is quoting from Genesis 12:7.  It’s the “seed” (Gen. 12:7; Gal. 3:16) in the King James Bible, not ‘descendants’ as in the NKJV.  And again, Gal. 3:16 tells us specifically the word is not plural, but singular.  And the reason is because it’s a prophecy about the Lord Jesus Christ (cf. Acts 3:25-26): Who’s the singular Lord & Saviour (see 1 Cor. 8:6), not a plural.  Therefore the NKJV botched this Abrahamic prophecy of Christ.  And the Holy Spirit corrected it in Galatians 3:16. (see ‘New Age Versions’ page 188.)

·        The ASV omits “Adultery” in Galatians 5:19 and “murders” in Gal. 5:21. (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 173.)  Funny how these words disappear which have been in Protestant Bible (AV 1611) for four hundred years?

·        Here’s the excision the NIV, ASV, NASV, and RSV have made to the 1611’s Galatians 6:15: “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.” (See ‘Satan’s Masterpiece!’ page 68.)  As you can see “Christ Jesus” is removed from this verse.  Wow.  This is not scholarship; this is mutilation, of not only words, but the most precious words.  Oh Dear Father, how they meddle with thy Truth O Lord God Almighty!  Look what words are being omitted.  The most important words!  The Name of the Lord Jesus Christ is removed from modern ‘bibles’!  This is an outrage!  These aren’t just more grammatical alternations; these are omissions, and omissions of the worst kind.  How can this be explained but by recognizing these modern perverts as antichrist spirits, quote: "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: [but] he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also." (1 John 2:22-23 KJV)  These modern ‘bibles’ are the contemporary preservations of 2nd century Gnostic philosophers, Arians, and Alexandrian scholars—all of which has adopted and absorbed into Roman Catholicism via Jerome and Eusebius, thus producing the Dark Ages; until Wyclif, Erasmus, Huss, Luther, and Tyndale came around with a recovered Textus Receptus.  Need more proof?  They take “Christ” out of Galatians AGAIN in Gal. 3:17, 4:7. (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 335, ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 162-163, and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 6.)  It should be noted what Luther had “Christ” in all three Scriptures from Galatians we’ve examined here: this is evident from Luther’s ‘Commentary on Galatians’.  It should also be noted that the omission of Christ’s Name in Galatians 3:17 is a denial of the Lord Jesus Christ’s preexistence and eternality.

·        Whereas the King James Bible tells Christians we are “...accepted in the beloved.” (Eph. 1:6)  This ‘acceptance’ has been removed from the Douay-Rheims, ASV, and NIV. (See ‘The NIV: An “In-Depth” Documentation of Apostasy’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 36.)

·        The ‘new’ Alexandrian versions (e.g. ASV, NIV, et al.) remove “by Jesus Christ” and His role in creation out of Eph. 3:9. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 168-169 and ‘New Age Versions’ pages 335, 456.)  This is same reading of the Roman Catholic church’s 1582 Jesuit Rheims’ text, which is a translation of the Vaticanus B manuscript and a restoration of the Dark Ages’ Latin Vulgate.  The phrase was in Apostle Paul’s original authorship and thus retained by divine providence (see Ps. 12:6-7) in the Erasmus’ Textus Receptus (1516), Tyndale (1525), Geneva (1560), Bishop’s (1568), and King James (1611)—those are all Bibles God honored.

·        Again, watch what the spirit of antichrist does to “the ancient landmark” (Prov. 22:28 KJV 1611) or “the old landmark” (Prov. 23:10 AV 1611) of our Protestant forefathers in Ephesians 3:14: “For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Eph. 3:14).  The ‘gang’ (viz. ASV, NASV, NIV, RV, NWT, RSV, NRSV, NLT, MSG, and LB) are all guilty of this Christ-rejecting deletion. [cf. Matt. 7:13-14; Luke 13:24]  Woe unto them that tamper with the Holy Scriptures!  This is my Lord & Saviour’s full title!  My Christian forefathers had the Lord Jesus Christ’s full title in Eph. 3:14 in their Bibles: and good Protestants, Baptists, and old time Fundamentalists aren’t heretics!  Nor did they have faulty Bibles either!  And what’s so wrong about having a Bible that honors the Lord Jesus Christ?  That’s what a HOLY Bible is supposed to do. [cf. John 5:23, 39] (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 169-170, ‘New Age Versions’ pages 61, 310, 335, and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ pages 18-19.) {See also ‘The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Scriptures.doc’.}  Now look at this omission.  What they’ve deleted from modern ‘bibles’ is the relationship between the Father and the Son.  That’s exactly how St. John describes the antichrist in 1 John 2:22-23.  Let me tell you something.  Contemporary reprobates may mark the Trinity out of their false/heterodox/eccentric bibles, and assay to destroy the Triune Truth in a fallen world; but the Father/Son/Holy Spirit relationship has always been, and will always be, closer than leviathan’s scales (see Job 41:15-17), for all eternity—and for ever and ever.

·        The Rheims, the ASV, the NASV, the NIV and all other perversions/mistranslations change Ephesians 5:9’s “...fruit of the Spirit...” to an enigmatic ‘fruit of the light’. (see ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 42 and ‘New Age Versions’ pages 113, 289).  The flesh and the Spirit are contrary to one another. (see Gal. 5:17)  That’s why “...the works of the flesh...” (Gal. 5:19) and “...the fruit of the Spirit...” (Gal. 5:22) are contrasted in Galatians Chapter 5.  This goes along with exactly what the Lord Jesus Christ said in Gethsemane. (see Matt. 26:41)  Spirit is invisible.  Light is visible.

·        According to Riplinger’s notes on page 108 of ‘New Age Versions’ the NIV and the NASV have altered the English Holy Scriptures (KJV) in Ephesians 5:25, 26, 27.  What have they done?  Well, it must be first implicitly stated that these modern perversions are ecumenical.  So to support Roman Catholic theology, they changed “it” to ‘her’ in all three verses.  Why?  Because the Roman Catholic system refers to itself as the ‘mother and mistress of all churches’.  Hence the ‘her’.  But here’s another women: she’s in Revelation 17:5 and Matthew 13:33—AND SHE’S A BLASPHEMOUS, HAUGHTY, MURDEROUS, ARRANT WHORE.

·        The NIV and NRSV both deny the Lord’s bodily resurrection in Ephesians 5:30 with the following omission: “For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.”  This means your new age bibles line up with devilish new age doctrines—viz. the blasphemous idea that Jesus Christ was not BODILY resurrected!

·        Apostle Paul’s call to “my brethren” has been deleted from the ASV’s perversion of Ephesians 6:10.

·        While Philippians 2:6 is one of the greatest Scriptures in the Holy Bible (AV 1611) concerning the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, the NASV (1963) totally and with all satanic contortion changes it to mean the opposite!  An outright lying blasphemy! (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 306, ‘The NIV: An “In-Depth” Documentation of Apostasy’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 37, and ‘Why the King James Bible is the Perfect Word of God’[vi] page 41.)

·        While Apostle Paul makes it clear that his former Pharisaical religion prior to his Christian conversion was “dung” (Phil. 3:8 KJV), the ASV is a bit more ‘socially acceptable’: changing the word to ‘refuse’.  Let me ask you a question.  Do you want the truth or do you want candy coated lies?  KJV or ASV?  As for me, give me the truth or give me death, by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.

·        In Philippians 4:13, one of the most powerful and invigorating verses in the Bible, Apostle Paul is no longer strengthened by Christ—“Christ” is omitted.  Leaving the reader perplexed as to where (or whom) Paul drew his strength from.  While the ASV says ‘him’, the KJV 1611 clearly reads “Christ” in Philippians 4:13.  The Jesuit Rheims 1582 mistranslation also reveals its lying nature by changing the KJV’s “Christ” to an ambiguous ‘him who’. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 163 and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 64.)  The NAB (Roman Catholic) and its modern ecumenical counterpart (the NIV) also have this deprived error.

·        In the last verse in Paul’s Letter to the Philippians (Phil. 4:23) the closing word “Amen” is taken out of the ASV and NRSV.  Jesus Christ is called the “Amen” in Rev. 3:14; the Alexandrians took the word out because they are antichrists.  Paul ended all of his Epistles with the word “Amen”, why would Philippians be any different?

·        In Apostle Paul’s greeting to the church at Colosse, at the beginning of the Epistle, in Colossians 1:2, Jesus’ full title “Lord Jesus Christ” is missing from the ASV, NIV, NASV, and RSV to name a few.  Why in the world would Jesus’ greeting be missing from this verse when Apostle Paul addressed ALL the churches in his Epistles with the same introduction, e.g. “Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”  All of Paul’s Letters have the similar greetings from ‘the Father AND Christ’—there’s no way Colossians would have been an oddball as the Alexandrians assume. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ by David W. Daniels, page 170.)  ¶ Queen Elizabeth’s Bishop’s Bible (1568) has the correct reading as doth the King James.

·        The RV (1881), RSV (1952), NASV (1963), NIV (1973), NRSV (1989), &c. omit the following: "In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins" (Colossians 1:14 KJV).  Such blatant audacity to remove such a weighty phrase involving the “blood” of Christ, which has been in the King’s English Bible for 400 years now, is beyond any reasoning.  And this is despite the companion passage in Ephesians 1:7.  Westcott and Hort chose an extremely novel, eccentric, heterodox reading here.  And no marvel, the two men were sorcerers.  Modern apostate Christianity has given no thought to follow suite.  ¶ As a born-again Christian, once I began to get serious about reading and studying the Bible (the Holy Spirit led me to the King James Bible); one of the most important Scriptures the Holy Spirit impressed upon me was Colossians 1:14.  As a young Christian, Col. 1:14 (KJV) would always, (and still does to this day,) greatly comfort my conscience.  To say the least, I was shocked when I found out the phrase “through his blood” was missing from modern “new” (Judges 5:8) versions. (See ‘Let’s Weight The Evidence’ page 33, ‘The “Errors” in the King James Bible’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, pages 5, 37, 120, 122, 333, 361, 363, 374, 431, 436-437, 449, ‘Manuscript Evidence’ pages 121, 179, ‘The NIV: An “In-Depth” Documentation of Apostasy’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 37, ‘New Age Versions’ pages 234, 270, ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 187, Chick Publications’ 2010 product catalog, page 24, ‘Which Bible Version’ tract by Dr. David E. Walker, and ‘New Bible Versions’ tract by Dr. David E. Walker.)  The phrase “through his blood” is found in the Bishop’s Bible.

·        The NIV changes Colossians 2:17 from the future tense to the present tense: therefore hiding the Old Testament prophecies about the Millennium.  Only the AV 1611 leads to true prophetic understanding—“ thy light shall we see light.” (Ps. 36:9)  On the other hand, new versions only lead to pagan darkness.  The Holy Spirit bears witness to what the King James translators faithfully rendered in 1611, but He rejects the corrupt pagan trash modern apostates have put out in their ‘new age’ bibles.

·        For more abominable pagan scholarship, look at the following Alexandrian omission: “For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience” (Col. 3:6).  Here the reprobates are covering up for themselves and their ‘brethren’.  This omission is found in new age bibles despite the fact that the companion passage in Ephesians 5:6 contains the full and true reading. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 233 and ‘New Age Versions’ page 191.)

·        Consider the Son of God’s full title: “Lord Jesus Christ”.  It’s a beautiful, majestic, and powerful Name above all names!  “Lord Jesus Christ” is found 9 times in 1 Thessalonians in the King James Bible.  But in the ASV, “Lord Jesus Christ” is found 4 less times (5 times) in 1 Thessalonians.  Which version of 1 Thessalonians do you think glorifies (see John 16:14) the Lord Jesus Christ more, the KJV (1611) or the ASV (1901)?  From this short survey, the answer should be obvious.  Answer: King James Bible.  I’m I suppose to accept that as normal when my Saviour’s full title is completely dropped 4 times in a 5 Chapter Epistle?  No way.  It’s an outrage what these apostate/Alexandrian ‘scholars’ have done on the basis of a few corrupt/Gnostic manuscripts.  That’s has nothing to do with updating a few ‘archaic’ words; that’s has to do with Satan mutilating the Holy Scriptures is an envious rage.  Legally speaking, that’s a matter someone could be indicated on; how much more so before the Supreme Judge in the high court of heaven?  Again in 2 Thessalonians the KJV has the “Lord Jesus Christ” 11 times—ASV has Christ’s full title 8 times, 3 less than the KJV.  What happened to the other 3?  Probably stroke out by Origen, Marcion the Heretic, Westcott and Hort, or some Jesuit priest or subverted Roman Catholic.  Do you see what’s happening in these Pauline Epistles?  When Paul spoke these Epistle by the Holy Ghost, the Spirit has glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ (see John 16:14) by presenting His full title again and again.  And that’s exactly what we should be doing too.  But how is it that these apostates come along and move in the opposite direction and start reducing the number of times Apostle Paul spake the Lord Jesus Christ’s full title?  When it’s 9 times, they have 5.  When it’s 11 times, they have 8.  The 1611 translators weren’t making this up!  They were translating the Textus Receptus manuscripts and good Reformation Bible God had set before them.  They weren’t tampering with Scripture; they were reverencing it prayerfully with an English ‘formal equivalence’ of the “Original Tongues”.  There cannot be this vast of a discrepancy, (even in this same sample from 1 and 2 Thessalonians,) for there not to be something horribly crooked: especially when dealing with God’s precious words! ¶ The title “Christ” is removed from 2 Thessalonians Chapter 1 twice (verses 8, 12) in the NIV.  When Paul mentions “...the name...” in verse 12, don’t you think it’d be fitting to write the Lord’s full title—“Lord Jesus CHRIST” (KJV)?

·        In 2 Thessalonians 2:2 the Roman Catholic and modern versions confuse the pre-tribulation Rapture teaching by changing “the day of Christ” to ‘the day of the Lord’—which actually will take place seven years after the Rapture or the day of Christ.  The day of the LORD was prophesied of in the Old Testament by Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, and Zephaniah; but the day of Christ was a special revelation given to Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles in the New Testament (of which Paul wrote 14 books).

·        The severity of God’s judgment against sinners is taken out of 2 Thessalonians 2:12 by modern versions.  In the KJV they’re “damned” but in modern abominations such as the NAB, RSV, and NIV they’re only ‘condemned’.

·        Truly there’s a saddening and dark spirit over false versions.  The ASV (1901) restored the old mutilated readings of the Rheims (1582) Roman Catholic ‘Bible’ by removing “Lord” from Christ’s full title (“Lord Jesus Christ” [KJV]) in 1 Timothy 1:1, 1 Timothy 5:21, and 2 Timothy 4:1. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 151-152.)  This is a fulfillment of Jude 4 right before your eyes.

·        When describing God, modern versions have removed the word “wise” from 1 Timothy 1:17.  This Laodicean error is a restoration of the Jesuit Rheims Dark Age bible.  (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 190 and ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 233-234.)  These sorry Nicolaitan scholars did the same slight in Jude 25.  But let me assure you God is still very “wise”.  The Spanish Reina-Valera (1909), being a Textus Receptus version, contains the KJV reading with “sabio” in 1 Timoteo 1:17.

·        The Douay-Rheims, the ASV, and the NIV all remove Apostle Paul’s Christian confession in 1 Timothy 2:7 by removing “in Christ”.  This is what they did to the King James Text: “...I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not...” (1 Tim. 2:7 KJV). (see ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 64)  Why should any consider these Bible mutilators Christians when they take Christ’s name out of a Christian Bible?  I sure don’t.  I believe they’re arch-antichrists.  The Lord Jesus Christ is the Rock of our profession of faith; to remove “Christ” is to remove our foundation and our truth.

·        Do you know why the Holy Incarnation in 1 Timothy 3:16 (KJV) is a “mystery”?  One evidence is because God’s allowed Satan to ‘cover it up’ in scores of modern English perversions by changing “God” (1 Tim. 3:16 AV 1611) to ‘who’ or ‘He who’.  On page 251 of ‘Final Authority’ William Grady clues us into the fact that a Unitarian (Unitarians are Christ-rejecting heretics) on the RV (1881) committee was responsible for damnable botch.  That child of hell Unitarians’ named was Vance Smith; he restored the 1582 Jesuit Rheims reading of 1 Timothy 3:16.  The Spanish Bible (Reina-Valera 1909) has “Dios ha sido manifestado en carne” in 1 Timoteo 3:16, which is the Spanish equivalent to the King James’ reading “God was manifest in the flesh”. (See also ‘New Age Versions’ pages 17, 186, 352-354, ‘Satan’s Masterpiece’ by Ruckman, pages 45-48, ‘Look What’s Missing’ by David W. Daniels, pages 62-64, ‘Fighting Back!’ by James L. Melton, pages 17 and 33, ‘The NIV: An “In-Depth” Documentation of Apostasy’ by Ruckman, pages 38-39, ‘Ruckman’s Battlefield Notes’ page 151, and ‘The You-Who Yahweh Scam’, page 5. [Available from Bible Baptist Bookstore, P.O. Box 7135, Pensacola, Florida 32534.].)

·        You’d never know to withdraw yourself from the TBN and alike charismatics (cf. 2 Pet. 2:1-3) if you didn’t read the KJV: “Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.” (1 Timothy 6:5 KJV).  This is an ASV restoration of the Rheims perverted papist text; modern ecumenical ‘bibles’ have followed suite. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 234 and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 36.)

·        The Jesuit Rheims version and its modern ecumenical counterparts (NIV, RSV, NRSV, NAB, ASV, et al.) all remove the word “eternal” from 1 Timothy 6:19 and replace it with ‘true life’—denying the eternality of a spiritual reality in Christ.  The Spanish Reina-Valera (1909) reads like the King James (1611) with “vida eterna”.

·        As Riplinger noted in her ‘New Age Versions’ book, anti-Semitism is a common thread with corrupt modern perversions.  A piece of evidence concerning this can be seen in the following omission; here the ASV has failed to distinguish that such a group as the “Gentiles” exists: “Whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles.” (2 Timothy 1:11 KJV) (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 234-235.)

·        The King James’ command to “Study” the Bible in 2 Timothy 2:15 is removed from false ‘bibles’ such as the NKJV and the ASV.  The ASV won’t even have you “rightly dividing” it.  They mess up the Lord Jesus Christ’s commandment to “Search the scriptures” in John 5:39.  So the modern perversions perverted (see Jer. 23:36) the Bible’s two most important commands (from Jesus Christ and Apostle Paul) about studying the word of God.  And that’s why you shouldn’t study from modern versions to begin with. (See ‘The NIV: An “In-Depth” Documentation of Apostasy’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 39-40.)  This is the only commandment found in all 66 Books of the Bible where we are told by the Holy Spirit to “Study... the word of truth”—and the King James Bible is the ONLY Bible version that keeps this verse intact!  In Christ’s name, Amen.

·        The ASV’s and the 1582 Jesuit Rheims’ rendition of Titus 1:4 provides another example of antichrist/Roman Catholic scholarship.  Two words have been cut out here: "To Titus, mine own son after the common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour." (Titus 1:4 KJV)  There it is; an exact fulfillment of prophecy: see 2 Peter 2:1 and Jude 4—denying Jesus Christ’s Lordship. (see ‘Look What’s Missing’ by David W. Daniels, page 152 and ‘New Age Versions’ by Gail Riplinger, page 190.)  Paul always put Christ’s full title in the introduction of his Epistles.  But the Holy Ghost never anointed these new versions, because he had already done it in 1611.  Why do these imbeciles prefer corrupt versions over the KJV Scriptures, which glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, and are based on the God-honored and blessed Majority Text.  Also it’s the 400-year Bible Translation (1611) that built up (cf. Acts 20:32) the United Kingdom and the United States as world powers?  To trade it in for a Roman Catholic Dark Ages’ perverted, Deity of Christ-denying text?  What?!  That’s exactly what the 1582 Jesuit Rheims is: an English translation of the Jerome’s Latin Vulgate of the Dark Ages, which was based off Origen’s Gnostic/philosophic (see Col. 2:8) Codex Vaticanus B.  Nice trade off?  Thanks a whole lot Nicolaitan Laodicean scholars for putting America back into the ‘New’ Dark Ages with a morality and theology level equivalent to an African jungle full of apes and monkeys.  Our founding fathers and our Pilgrim fathers would have been sorely dismayed to have see this.

·        The NASV’s “perverted” (Jer. 23:36) rendition of Titus 2:13 sets up those alive during the tribulation to receive the Antichrist’s miraculous demonic power (see Rev. 13), instead of the Lord Jesus Christ’s Second Coming of Revelation 19. (see ‘Let’s Weight The Evidence’ by Barry Burton, page 35, ‘Manuscript Evidence’ by Peter S. Ruckman, page 178, and ‘Satan’s Masterpiece!’ by Ruckman, page 69.)  This perversion is so pernicious is because according to Biblical eschatology (see 2 Thess. 2; Rev. 6), the Antichrist is revealed before the Lord Jesus Christ.  So the NASV, with Satan’s assistance, sets up men to mistake the Antichrist’s charismatics for the Son of God’s 2nd Coming.

·        The NIV slyly corrupts Titus 2:13: it introduces universalism by moving the “our” from before ‘Savior’ to before ‘the great God’.  The problem is that “the great God” is NOT the Savior of all mankind; He is the JUDGE of all mankind.  Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the elect.  You have to read the King James Bible’s rendition of Titus 2:13 to get this theology properly straightened out.

·        The “heretick” in Titus 3:10 (KJV) was removed by the heretics on the ASV (1901) and the NKJV (1982) committees.  They altered the word because it hit them ‘a little too close to home’. (See ‘Fighting Back!’ by James L. Melton, Bible Baptist Church, P.O. Box 383, Martin, Tennessee 38237, pages 22-23).

·        The ASV (1901) removed “Jesus”, as in “Christ Jesus” (which is preserved in the King James Version), from Philemon 6.  What an evil, spiteful, dastardly, antichrist corruption of the word of God—Schaff, Hort, Westcott, Lightfoot, Vance Smith (the Unitarian on the RV committee!), and others despitefully shaped.

·        With God being the antecedent, Christ is called “his Son” in Hebrew 1:2 (KJV).  A disparaging and ambiguous ‘a Son’ reading is found in the NRSV.

·        In Hebrews 1:3 the dogmatically clear phrase “ himself...” (Heb. 1:3 KJV), describing salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ, is removed from the Rheims mistranslation (1582) and the ASV (1901).  But not only that: they change a past tense “purged” (1611) (meaning Calvary) into an ambiguous present tense (meaning ‘purgatory’ and sacerdotal Roman Catholics). (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 187-188.)  Also missing in the NIV, NAB, NASV, RSV, and NRSV. (See Dial-The-Truth Ministries’ tract titled ‘The Attack on the Bible’ by Dr. Terry Watkins.)

·        The NIV and NRSV both cut off Apostle Paul’s quotation of Psalm 8 in Hebrews 2:7 and deny our Lord Jesus Christ’s of His dominion over all creation with this wretch excision: “Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands”.  The omission of this phrase creates an awkward interruption in the quotation of Psalm 8 that I’d willing to bet was introduced by the antichrist spirit, not the Holy Spirit—the Holy Spirit quoted it the way He wished in the Received Text and the AV 1611.  The word in Psalm 8:6 is “dominion”: obviously Satan doesn’t want to acknowledge the truth about the Lord Jesus Christ’s dominance (see Matt. 28:18; Rev. 1:8).

·        Christ is no longer a “captain” in Heb. 2:10, he is now a ‘pioneer’ in the NRSV!  This is done by the devil to conceal the fact that Joshua (“Jesus” [Acts 7:45; Heb. 4:8 KJV]) is the great type of Jesus Christ in the Holy Bible (see Joshua 5:13-15).

·        The RSV has the blasphemous audacity to suggest that Christ has an ‘origin’ in Hebrews 2:11.  That’s a lie.  That reading denies that Christ is God.  But no matter what a corrupt version of the Bible has to say about Christ, it can still be said about Him, with all verity: “...from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.” (Ps. 90:2)  See also Psalm 93:2.  See ‘Let’s Weight the Evidence’ by Barry Burton, page 26.

·        The Holy Incarnation of Jesus Christ and His genealogical record from Abraham are declared in Hebrews 2:16 in the Authorized Version.  This truth has been turned into something incomprehensible in the modern versions.  This verse deals with the truth that “God was manifest in the flesh” (1 Tim. 3:16 KJV).  By denying the King James holy text, they have fulfilled 1 John 4:3 and 2 John 7.

·        Here’s the definition of an antichrist: "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son." (1 John 5:22 KJV)  And again, “And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.” (1 John 4:3 KJV)  See that?  “Jesus Christ”: that’s His title.  With the said, this following omission proves the 1582 Rheims and the ASV are antichrist texts: “Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus” (Hebrews 3:1 KJV).  See that ‘slight of hand’ of the crafty wicked one?  He’s an antichrist, and he’s used his antichrist children to produced GROSS corruptions of the word of God every since Genesis 3:1.  How is it that the King James Bible always gives us the fuller, Christ-glorifying reading; while the new/age bibles provide the scanty, incomplete, pen-knifed, antichrist, corrupt (see 2 Cor. 2:17) readings.  It’s because the King James Bible is the true preserved “holy scriptures”—and all these reprobates bibles ain’t nothing but depraved wastebasket toilet trash. (see ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 165.)  The Holy Ghost will glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. (see John 16:4)  That’s why I know the 1611 Translation is inspired by the Holy Ghost, and these reprobate versions are uninspired because of evil spirits.  Look at Hebrews 3:1!  The proof is right in front of your face!

·        Here’s how the Rheims text of 1582 and the ASV (1901) (and all other ecumenical/modern versions which have followed Roman Catholic scholarship) handle the Lord Jesus Christ’s sacred oath of Psalm 110: "(For those priests were made without an oath; but this with an oath by him that said unto him, The Lord sware and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec:)" (Hebrews 7:21 KJV).  What wretched, demon-possessed scholarship.  These hellbound reprobates have cut up the only oath in New Testament concerning the Son of God’s high priesthood.  They’ve taken a phrase that’s quoted seven times (# of God) in the Holy Bible and reduced it to six (# of man). (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 235 and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 56.)  Line by line they weaken the true Biblical text of the King James Version.  ¶ The Geneva Bible (1560) and Bishops’ Bible (1568) contain the correct and full reading here in Hebrews 7:21, like the King James Bible (1611): being Reformation Bibles of Protestant England.

·        The ASV, NIV, and the rest of the contemporary bibles have the following omission in their texts: “For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.” (Hebrews 8:12)  Man!  That is tampering with the sacred Israeli and Judean New Covenant which will be put into effect in just a few shorts years.  How dare the devil mess with that covenant!  It’s preserved properly just as the Holy Spirit had the Apostle Paul write it in Greek in the first century in the inspired and infallible King James Bible of 1611.  This shortened reading in the modern versions is a restoration of the 1582 Jesuit Dark Age bible.  And all this is done despite the fact that the correct reading is repeated in Hebrews 10:17!

·        Don’t look for the “mercyseat” (KJV) in Hebrews 9:5 in the NIV or its forefather the Rheims 1582.  You won’t find the “mercy seat” (KJV) in Exodus in the NIV either, it’s been zapped out.

·        The ASV knocked out the 1611 translators’ clarifying words “for us” in Hebrews 9:12.  This is an example of why the Holy Ghost inspired the KJV to make it an advanced revelation.

·        The Rheims (1582), ASV (1901), and NIV (1973) all deny the Lord again in Hebrews 10:30: “...Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord...” (Heb. 10:30 KJV).  No man will ever have the confidence to say “Thus saith the Lord!” with a perverted dark/new unholy bible.  But you can with the King James Version!  The phrase is retained in the 1611’s Hebrews 10:30! (see ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 17)  The Holy Ghost hints the King James Bible is the correct reading, because Apostle Paul also quoted Deuteronomy 32:35 in Romans 12:19; and guess what we find there? Quote, “...saith the Lord.” (Rom. 12:19 KJV)

·        The Jesuits at Rheims college removed “in heaven” from the following Scripture, and the ASV followed in their footsteps: “For ye had compassion of me in my bonds, and took joyfully the spoiling of your goods, knowing in yourselves that ye have in heaven a better and an enduring substance.” (Hebrews 10:34 KJV)  That’s a doctrinal statement; which of course has been obscured and falsified by Roman Catholic scholarship.  It also destroys the Lord Jesus Christ’s cross-referenced command in Matthew 6:20.  Verses like these attract charismatics to ecumenical texts. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 200.)

·        In the modern bibles the holy Lord Jesus Christ didn’t suffer a “contradiction” (Heb. 12:3 KJV) from sinners—it was just ‘hostility’.  That reading denies the fact that Christ didn’t deserve to be persecuted and slain by sinners: because He was sinless!  Bro. Ruckman pointed this blasphemy out to me and said if you have a bible that read like that: “burn it”!  The NKJV reads just like the ESV and NRSV here in Hebrews 12:3.  Talk about downgrading the Lord, how’s about that one?  Straight from the pits of hell!!!

·        The Roman Catholic theology of their false/idolatrous baalite priests can be seen in the modern perversions rendition of James 5:16.  Whereas the KJV would have Christians confess their “faults” to one another, the ‘Vaticanus’ manuscript-influenced versions (like the Rheims, ASV, RSV, NIV, and NKJV) go over board and pave the way for the pope’s false mediators: 'Confess therefore your sins one to another' (Jas. 5:16 ASV). (See ‘The NIV: An “In-Depth” Documentation of Apostasy’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 40, ‘New Age Versions’ page 145, and ‘Final Authority’ by Grady, page 292.)  This is why we as KJV Bible-believers need so firmly to hold on to the doctrine of the ‘universal priesthood’ of born-again Christians (see 2 Pet. 2), lest haply these false mediators try to slip their way in between our ‘blood-bought’ privileges of the Lord Jesus Christ’s grace.  Roman Catholics would love to have us blood-bought Christians commit “voluntary humility” (Col. 2:18) before their worthless priests of Satan, yet our true rights (and righteousness) rest solely to petition and confess before our Lord, Saviour, and ONLY Mediator—JESUS CHRIST.  This ‘role reversal’ is what caused the Protestant Reformation and got Europe out of the Dark Ages; but now through modern versions, Satan’s trying to cause Christians to go right back into Roman Catholic darkness and oppression with corruptions of Bible passages like James 5:16.  Let me just quote the prophet Jeremiah to ‘clear the air’, "Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD." (Jer. 17:5 KJV)

·        The RSV perverted (see Jer. 23:36) and corrupted (see 2 Cor. 2:17) 1 Peter 2:2 to a deplorable and pernicious condition. (See ‘Let’s Weight The Evidence’ by Barry Burton, pages 29, 36, 85 and ‘The NIV: An “In-Depth” Documentation of Apostasy’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, page 40.)

·        The Rheims and ASV commit the following excision: "Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently" (1 Pet. 1:22).  (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 183-184.)

·        Roman Catholic ‘Bibles’ (including the ASV [1901]) omit the last half of the following Scripture from Apostle Peter’s 1st Epistle General: "If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified." (1 Peter 4:14 KJV) (See ‘Manuscript Evidence’ page 177 and ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 235-236.)  It sounds to me the very people who’ve excised this phrase are “spoken of” here—they’ve spoken evil of the Holy Ghost-anointed King James 1611 Bible.  And again, these inspired words are found preserved in the Protestant Reformation pure stream (viz. Tyndale, Geneva, Bishops’).  The fact that the English martyrs, filled with the Spirit of Christ, died for these Reformation Readings is conclusive evidence to denounce the corrupt Catholic/ecumenical abbreviations.

·        The Living Bible demonically substitutes “Babylon” with ‘Rome’ in 1 Peter 5:13. (see ‘Final Authority’ page 55 and ‘The “Errors” in the King James Bible’ page 367.)  Thus Kenneth Taylor was swept away with Roman Catholicism’s claim to ‘Peter’s chair’, insomuch that he felt he had the right to alter the word of God to prove it.  Woe unto him!  If Peter had meant to write ‘Rome’ he would have.  Kenneth Taylor disobeyed Peter’s warning against “private interpretation” (2 Pet. 1:20) with his abominable paraphrased trash ‘bible’.  Moreover you will find no reference in the New Testament to Apostle Peter ever being in Rome—only thing that happened was he preached the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the first Gentile convert in Acts 10: Cornelius, who was an Italian.  Contrarily, his ministration was in Jerusalem to the circumcision primarily. (see Gal. 2:7-8).  I’ll tell you why Peter wrote “Babylon” in 1 Peter 5:13, because Roman Catholicism is the Mystery Harlot of Babylon as recorded in Revelation 17 & 18.

·        The ASV committee, sensing the 1611 sword of the Lord pointed toward them, removed the following from Apostle Peter's Chapter on false prophets: "These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever." (II Peter 2:17) (See ‘Manuscript Evidence’ pages 137, 184 and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 45.)  Jude 13 bares witness to the 2 Pet. 2:17 (KJV).  No surprise this is also omitted in the Rheims 1582 and the NIV.

·        Here’s the ASV’s antichrist rendition of 1 John 1:7: “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” (1 John 1:17 KJV)  How do I know the ASV is antichrist?  Read the very next Chapter in First John.  Read 1 John 2:22.  They’ve done exactly what defines an antichrist by omitting “Christ” is the previous Chapter. (See ‘Fighting Back!’ by James L. Melton, page 33 and ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 166.)

·        First John 3:16 (AV 1611) is a Deity of Christ Scripture.  We see the Holy Incarnation of Jesus Christ in 1 John 3:16. (cf. John 10:14-18)  Of course the apostate ASV ruins this in their corrupt rendition: "Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren." (1 John 3:16 KJV)  Blasphemy!  The NIV and NASV have this omission. (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 305)  This Alexandrian excision fits John’s exact definition of an antichrist is the next chapter (see 1 John 4:3) and the next Epistle (see 2 John 7).

·        In one of the greatest acts of villany, breaches of Revelation 22:19 and attacks on the doctrine of the Trinity and the Deity of Jesus Christ: 1 John 5:7 (KJV) is missing from the ASV.  In the AV (1611) this is the greatest Scripture in the Holy Bible (KJV) concerning the Trinity; and thereby shews the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.   There is a 1 John 5:7 in the ASV, but it’s not the 1 John 5:7 of the KJV: what the ASV committee did was split up 1 John 5:6 into two units, and called their second part 1 John 5:7; and then completely omitted the traditional 1 John 5:7.  Dr. Peter S. Ruckman has a booklet about this omission entitled ‘I John 5:7’ and subtitled ‘Why We Retain 1 John 5:7 In The Authorized Version’, this booklet is available from Bible Baptist Bookstore, P.O. Box 7135, Pensacola, Florida 32534.  In the booklet, Dr. Ruckman provides overwhelming evidence for this Scripture belonging in our Bible; because 1 John 5:7 has been in a large percentage of orthodox Bibles and manuscripts all throughout the entire Christian Church history. (See also ‘The “Errors” in the King James Bible’ by Ruckman, pages 337-338, ‘Sabotage?’ by Jack T. Chick, page 22, ‘Forever Settled’ by Jack Moorman, pages 204-209, and ‘The King James Version Defended’ by Edward Hills, pages 272-278.)  ¶ Notice: the same people who’ve omitted 1 John 5:7 (like Origen, and other Gnostics and Arians) also are the same antichrist spirits who’ve denied Christ’s Deity by removing “begotten” in the Alexandrian cult’s rendition of John 1:14, 18, 3:16, 18, 1 John 4:9 (i.e. NIV, RSV, NRSV, NWT [Christ-rejecters Jehovah’s Witnesses’ ‘bible’], NAS, NASV, NLT). (See also ‘Final Authority’ pages 95-96 and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 14.)  Stop and think.  Who are these men working for?  Anybody who’s tampering with Sacred Scripture is obviously sinful. (see Prov. 30:6; Rev. 22:18-19)  And yet these ‘scholars’ are so bold as to remove possibly the greatest, and clearest Scriptural truth concerning the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ!  Messing with Scripture, messing with the truth, and messing with “the doctrine of Christ” (2 John 9; Heb. 6:1) are all damnably one in the same.  There is no other explanation for the deletion of 1 John 5:7 and corruption of John 1:18 other than the same princes of this world who crucified the Lord of Glory (see 1 Cor. 2:8), have also vainly attempt to hide the Lord Jesus Christ’s glory through corruptions of Sacred Scripture which plainly, with heavenly assertion, explain Christ’s glory.  The Trinity of 1 John 5:7 is found in the Reina-Valera Spanish Bible.  It is found in Luther’s German Bible and the Italian Diodati.  I’ve also seen it in the Tyndale, Geneva, and Bishop’s Bibles.  ¶ As an additional note: Jesus is the Word (see John 1:1, 14; Rev. 19:13); and the word is also the Bible.  Isn’t it interesting that the Bible (KJV 1611) that is the real word of God is the one that retains 1 John 5:7—where Jesus is again called “the Word”?

·        Here’s the ASV’s and NIV’s butchery of 1 John 4:3: "And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world." (1 John 4:3 KJV).  From that omission right there I can tell you the KJV is of God; and the modern perversions are not.  The apostate bibles have to omit this clause because these versions are the work of antichrist spirits.  You don’t have to have an IQ of 190 to detect what’s going on here. (See ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 24 and ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 166.)  And no surprise, these false modern readings are a Westcott and Hort restoration of the deplorable and depraved text from the Roman Catholicks 1582 Rheims ‘bible’.  Because the antichrist spirit is already in the world (see 1 John 2:18, 4:3; 2 John 7) is exactly why the King James Text has been cut up here and everywhere else.  I’ve tried the spirits according to 1 John 4:1 and the new bibles have failed the test for godliness, and the King James Bible has passed the test.  I’m testing spirits with a KJV reading.  I wouldn’t even have this test from a ‘new’ version.  The same reason modern bibles removed this phrase from 1 John 4:3 is the same reason they removed “God” from 1 Timothy 3:16, and why Tom Hanks released the ‘Da Vinci Code’—they are hellish antichrist spirits.

·        Corrupt modern versions have restored the Roman Catholic reading of the Rheims ‘Bible’ with the following omission: “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.” (1 John 5:13 KJV)  The ASV and the Rheims not only omitted the last phrase, but also transposed the two previous clauses; thus adding to their confusion and corruption of the word of God. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ pages 174-175 and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 8.)  Notice the KJV reading is full, instructive, informative, and clear.  Contrarily, the ASV's reading is partial, less instructive, less informative, and less clear.  That summarizes all 20th century versions.

·        The following is torn out of the ASV and NIV bibles: “Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.” (2 John 3)  This corrupt reading with “the Lord” missing from 2 John 3 is a 1582 Jesuit Rheims reading from the Vaticanus B minority ms. (See ‘New Age Versions’ pages 303, 304, 331 and ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 153.)

·        In Jude 3, the NIV and NRSV omit the word “earnestly”.  Why?  Because you have absolutely zero chance to “earnestly contend for the faith” (KJV) with one of those bibles.  Those bibles represent the very spirits who do the opposite of contending: they attack the faith.  They attack “the word of faith” (Rom. 10:8) by suggesting that their perverted texts are better or more authoritative than the Authorized Version.  They attack “the word of faith” by having the blasphemous audacity to suggest their words are purer than “the holy scriptures” (Rom. 1:2; 2 Tim. 3:15 KJV) of the Protestant Reformation.  Christ Jesus “hath the sharp sword with two edges” (Rev. 2:12).  That my friend is none other than the swift, razor-sharp 1611 Protestant blade.  Don’t be a fool and trade it in for a dull butter knife!  That’s exactly what the adversary wants you to do—butter knives don’t hurt him as bad!

·        Jude 4 (KJV) is an antichrist spirit proof Scripture.  The ASV, NASV, and NIV committees changed the 1611’s “the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ” (Jude 4 KJV) to ‘our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ’.  This blasphemous alteration proves Satan is their master.  Why?  Because they removed “God” from the Scripture and denied Jesus Christ’s equivalence with God.  They denied Christ in the very passage they corrupted.

·        The ASV and the NIV omitted the following from St. Jude’s doxology: “To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.” (Jude 25 KJV) (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 238 and ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 15.)  This impious rendition is a new age restoration and reprint of an old Vaticanus, Jerome’s Vulgate, and Jesuit Rheims bible omission.  That wasn’t too “wise” on behalf of the Alexandrian scribes considering Proverbs 21:30 and Revelation 22:19.  The word “wise” or “wyse” (archaic spelling) is found in the Tyndale (1525), Geneva (1560), and Bishops’ (1568) Bibles.

·        The ASV has the bold audacity to meddle with this Scripture, containing the words of Christians’ resurrection Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, concerning His Deity: “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” (Revelation 1:8 KJV)  There is no fear of God in these reprobate scholars.  Here are words of Christ in red clipped without any regard to thousands of matching mss containing them.  The Spanish Bible Valera (1909) matches the King James here as usual.

·        Again, Satan’s claws are ripping at the Scriptures in the ASV and NIV: “I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.” (Revelation 1:9 KJV)  Are not these Alexandrian omissions the work of the antichrist spirit?  The obvious answer is yes.  Jesucristo” is found twice in this Scripture in the Spanish Valera, matching the KJV reading.

·        ASV keeps meddling with Revelation Chapter 1!  Here how Philip Schaff wretchedly chopped verse 11: “Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.” (Rev. 1:11 KJV)  With this excision Alexandrian scholars have any struck at the Lord Jesus Christ’s Deity.  This is also a 1582 Jesuit priest Rheims omission.  Again, the Spanish Valera (1909) has this Receptus reading. (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 305.)

·        In the Rheims bible, RSV, and NIV Antipas is only a ‘witness’, in the AV he’s rightly called a “martyr” (Rev. 2:13) by the risen Christ. (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 92.)

·        In the King James Version the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ is said to “hate” the deeds and doctrines of the Nicolaitans (i.e. overlord/hierarchical Catholic priests, scholars, and reprobate pastors) in Revelation 2:6, 15.  That was too much ‘hate literature’ for the ASV committee and other Roman Catholic sympathizers so they removed “hate” from Christ’s words in Rev. 2:15. (see ‘New Age Versions’ page 143 and ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 214.)  This curtailed reading of Revelation 2:15 is a restoration of the 1582 Roman Catholic Priests at Rheims ‘Bible’.  The NIV also omits Christ’s ‘hateful’ words here; while Queen Elizabeth’s 1568 Bishop’s Bible matches her successor’s Holy Bible (the King James Version of 1611).  A Protestant Bible or a Catholic bible?  You pick one to bet your soul on.  Who’s giving you the real picture of the real Jesus Christ?  I’ll go with the Protestant Bible that exalts Christ’s Deity.

·        Here’s how the Alexandrian versions such as the NIV, NRSV, and ESV handle Rev. 5:14: "And the four beasts said, Amen. And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever."

·        The ASV (1901) gives you an ‘eagle’ warning the earth’s inhabitants in Revelation 8:13, instead of an “angel” (KJV).  This is despite the fact that the Greek word ‘άγγελος’ is found twice in this same passage.  This “angel” could be an ‘eagle’, but that’s not the point in the Scripture—the point is this being or creature is proclaiming a message: and that’s the definition of an angel, messenger, harbinger, or herald.  The NIV also has this eagle error. (see ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 42)

·        The “kingdoms” are plural in Ps. 46:6, 68:32, 79:6, 102:22 and Rev. 11:15, but modern perversions have corrupted this word in Revelation 11:15—they’ve made it a singular ‘kingdom’.  Thus they deny the Lord Jesus Christ’s complete takeover of the governments of the earth at His 2nd Advent, and reduce His dominion substantially.  Modern ‘scholars’ want one kingdom the same as all ‘one-worldlers’, ‘global citizens’, or ‘Babel-builders’; because they follow the Antichrist who wants to rule that kingdom.  They’ll have a brief ‘a go’ during the tribulation period, but after that they’ll be uprooted. (See ‘Look What’s Missing’ by David W. Daniels page 238, ‘Fighting Back!’ by James L. Melton, page 33, and ‘The NIV: An “In-Depth” Documentation of Apostasy’ by Peter S. Ruckman, page 41.) This, by the way, is a 1582 Roman Catholic error repeated four centuries later by new age liberals and reprobates.

·        The ASV and NIV cut out the following the 400-year old KJV’s text: “Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.” (Revelation 11:17) (See ‘Fighting Back!’ page 33 and ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 182.)  Notice what these Nicolaitans destroyed with these omissions: the three-fold nature of Jesus Christ’s eternality—i.e. past, present, AND future.

·        Note the Rheims’, ASV’s, and other new versions’ following humanistic omission: "Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time." (Rev. 12:12 KJV) (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 192 and ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 239.)  There WILL BE a time of woe for antichrist secular humanists, no matter how many time they try to change the word of God—it’s called the Great Tribulation (see Matt. 24:21-22).  Man is in a lot more danger than the earth, no matter how differently an environmentalist talks.

·        Read Revelation 12:17 in the King James Version.  Want to see proof there is demonic warfare against “the testimony of Jesus Christ”?  The devil removed “Christ” from Rev. 12:17 in the ASV and NIV.

·        Again, the strikeout represents the ASV’s deletions: "And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God." (Rev. 14:5)  Here the 144,000’s privileged position is deleted.  And the ASV changed “fault” to say ‘blemish’.  A blemish is not always a spiritual fault, but a fault is always a spiritual blemish.  Which term projects greater holiness?  The answer is “fault”, as retained in the King James Bible. (See ‘Manuscript Evidence’ page 178 and ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 175.)

·        Here’s another omission by the NRSV and ESV: "And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus." (Revelation 16:5)

·        One word can make a big difference.  All the ‘new’ versions have followed the 1582 Jesuit Rheims text with the following omission: “And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.” (Rev. 16:17 KJV)  Hence these apostate Bible scholars have attempted to take God out of heaven, and put Him on their earthly level. (see ‘Look What’s Missing’ page 200)

·        The new versions editors on the NIV and NASV committee tried to cover up for their Catholick “MOTHER” (Rev. 17:5) with the following omission: “For true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.” (Revelation 19:2 KJV) (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 131.)

·        In Revelation 19:8 the NIV and NRSV change a verse about imputed righteousness (cf. Rom. 3:22, 4:24; 1 Cor. 1:30; 2 Cor. 5:21 KJV) to ‘acts’ and ‘deeds’... yea, a works-oriented righteousness that will send you to hell like a bullet in this dispensation.  This is an error because the bride in this chapter is the church age saints who have raptured because they BELIEVED on the Lord Jesus Christ.

·        The Book of Revelation is rightly titled “The Revelation of Saint John the Divine” in the King James Version.  This means that the Apostle John (though the leading of the holy angel [see Rev. 1:1, 22:16]) is the narrator of this prophetic Book.  However “John” is missing in the pathetic new versions in Rev. 21:2!  The Bishops’ Bible of 1568 and the Reina-Valera of 1960 both agree with the AV 1611: they have “Iohn” and “Juan” in the verse.

·        Here’s the 1611 Philadelphian/Protestant Bible’s rendering of Revelation 21:24, the strikeouts represent ASV’s omissions: "And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it." (Rev. 21:24)  Notice the ASV (1901) has taken out the salvation and honor of the nations that have survived the Millennial Reign of the Lord Jesus Christ.  If those nations weren’t saved and honorable they wouldn’t have made it out of Rev. 20 and Matt. 25 in the first place.  The NIV (1973) has the same omission. (See ‘If The Foundations Be Destroyed’ page 9, ‘Satan’s Masterpiece!’ by Ruckman, page 24, and ‘Manuscript Evidence’ by Peter S. Ruckman, page 137.)

·        The new bibles hide the Holy Bible’s dispensational teaching on Jewish tribulation saints’ salvation by changing “Blessed are they that do his commandments” (Rev. 22:14 KJV) to ‘Blessed are those who wash their robes’ (NIV, NRSV).  Again, this hides an important dispensational teaching (see 2 Tim. 2:15); because salvation in the tribulation period will be different than it is now in the church age—viz. grace through faith, not by works (see Eph. 2:8-9).  The verses on the works + faith tribulation salvation are in Rev. 12:17, 14:12, 22:14 and found in the General Epistles (especially James!)

·        Since the attack on the word of God began at Genesis 3:1—not surprisingly, as an emulation of “the beginning and the end” (Rev. 21:6), there’s also a satanic corruption at the end of the Bible.  Here the two have been connected.  Satan’s lie about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil has been ‘preserved’ by apostate fundamentalists in Revelation 22:19: the verse which is most direct and strong warning against tampering with the word of God.  In the direct the midst of direct commandments where the Lord Jesus Christ Almighty warns men not to add or take away from the word of God (see Rev. 22:18-19); modern apostates have changed “the book of life” to ‘the tree of life’.  Why the change?  Because like I said, it goes all the way back to Satan’s perversion of the word of God in Genesis 3 where the serpent lied about the “tree”.  You’ll find this abominably corrupt alternation from the bottomless pit of hell found the ASV and the NASV. (see ‘Satan’s Masterpiece’ pages 11-12, 70.)  You’ll also note the Holy Spirit described the serpent as “subtil” in Genesis 3:1.  Well, I have two KJV reference Bible (a Zondervan and a Cambridge), and they both subtly imply this satanic alteration with a footnote. [Here’s my footnote: WATCH OUT FOR ALEXANDRIAN FOOTNOTES IN KJV REFERENCE BIBLES.]  Ruckman made a good point: Revelation 22:18-19 is about God’s Words—God’s Words are in a Book (AV 1611), not a tree.  What a foolish, audacious, disobedient sin!

·        What kind of depraved satanist removes the Lord Jesus Christ’s full title from the last verse of the Bible (Rev. 22:21)?  Westcott and Hort’s RV (1881) chopped off “Christ”; the ASV (1901), RSV (1952), NASV (1963), NIV (1973), NRSV (1989), NLT (2004), and NWT (2006) all followed suit.

·        The NKJV (© 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.):

o       The NKJV displays a ‘666’ pagan trinity symbol on the cover, bind, or title page.  After commending readers to a pagan trinity, it paves the way for the antichrist’s “mark of the beast” (Rev. 16:2, 19:20) [cf. Rev. 14:11], by encouraging a ‘pim’ (personal identification mark or microchip) in 1 Samuel 13:21.

o       According to William Grady (see ‘Final Authority’ back cover, page 305) the NKJV made 100,000 changes to the AV 1611 Text.  Thomas Nelson removed the ancient landmark (see Prov. 13:13, 14:25, 22:28, 23:10, 24:21, 30:6; Rom. 1:25; Rev. 22:18-19 KJV 1611).

o       Since the NASV mistranslators foolishly misapplied Exodus 1:8 to their preface; I'll redirect it where it belongs, to another false version: the New King James Version. "Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph." (Ex. 1:8)  Notice the phrase "new king" (as in NKJV) is given by the Holy Ghost in a NEGATIVE context.

o       Thomas Nelson has no business attaching the name of the Philadelphian English Bible of the Protestant Reformation to their corrupt Laodicean translation.  They only did it so they could appear as fundamentalists (see 2 Cor. 5:12 KJV) and make extra bucks $. (See 1 Tim. 6:10 KJV [Which passage they also corrupted, as you’ll see below.])  By insisting the KJV needed to be updated, they undermined it, implying it was imperfect.  Yet, from this brief study below, you’ll see the NKJV itself is far from perfect (and a lot further from perfect than the 1611 [which is perfect according to Ps. 19:7 and Matt. 24:35.])

o       The New King James Version threw out the King’s English (see Ecc. 8:4 KJV) and replaced it with modern English.  That dumb decision cost them the precision and accuracy the AV 1611 exudes when dealing with singular or plural pronouns in the original tongues.  Modern English makes no discrepancy there where the old Elizabethan doth.

o       Gail Riplinger (New Age Versions, chapter 11), William Grady (Final Authority, chapter 17), and Samuel Gipp (NKJV tract) have all reported that although the NKJV has been promoted as easier to read, it’s actually has a higher grade level reading average than the KJV, because it uses much more difficult words than the 1611 in scores of verses.  The NKJV is also a ‘gender neutral’ translation, which means you get political correctness instead of the truth. (see James 4:4; 1 John 5:19; Rom. 1:25 KJV [Which passage they also corrupted, as you’ll see below.])

o       ‘The NKJV and all new versions have abandoned the traditional Old Testament Hebrew, Ben Chayyim Masoretic Text, and follow Rudolph Kittel’s 1937 corruption, Biblia Hebraica, which follows Leningrad Ms B 19a.’[vii]

o       The NKJV teaches false history in 2 Kings 23:29.  It says Pharaoh-nechoh “went to the aid of the king of Assyria”.  That is wrong and contradicts the King James 1611 which says he “went up against the king of Assyria”.  The companion passage in 2 Chronicles 35:20-24 bares witness to the 1611’s reading and exposes the NKJV as false and corrupt.

o       The Names of God in the King James Bible: “JEHOVAH” (Ex. 6:3; Ps. 83:18; Is. 12:2, 26:4), “Jehovah” (Gen. 22:14; Ex. 17:15; Judges 6:24), and “JAH” (Ps. 68:4) are all missing from the NKJV and other ‘new’ perversions.  Sometimes the NKJV uses the word ‘YAH’ or ‘YHWH’ in the footnotes: the use of ‘Y’ instead of ‘J’ is done by the devil to break the Biblical connection of Jesus’ name with Jehovah’s name.  (See ‘The You-Who Yahweh Scam’ available from Bible Baptist Bookstore, P.O. Box 7135, Pensacola, FL 32534.)

o       The NKJV is the ‘Bible’ for the right-wing of the Alexandrian cult.  The word “hell” has been removed 22 times by the NKJV. (See ‘The New King James Version’ tract by Dr. Samuel Gipp.)  This explains why apostate fundamentalists are never ‘fire & brimstone’ preachers.  These omissions also line Laodicean fundamentalists up with the falsely so-called Jehovah’s Witnesses who deny a literal eternal hell.

o       The devil took himself out of the NKJV’s corrupt rendition of Psalm 109; yet the Holy Ghost has “Satan” in verse 6 in the King James Version.  You can find “Satán” (Salmo 109:6) in the Spanish Reina-Valera Bible (1909).

o       On pages 305-310 in ‘Final Authority’ William Grady uses a sample of passages from Song of Solomon to show how the NKJV departs from the KJV Text, and rather espouses a RSV/NASV reading.  What’s the point?  The point is the NKJV is not ‘conservative’ or ‘fundamental’: it’s another Nicolaitan/Alexandrian/Roman Catholic-influenced perversion/corruption of the words of the living God. (see Jer. 23:36; 2 Cor. 2:17)  It’s another modern day attack against the 1611 Translation.

o       On pages 10-17 in ‘About the New King James Version’ Dr. Peter S. Ruckman lists a sample of corrupt passages from the Book of Job to show how the NKJV adopted RSV readings.  Ruckman does the same thing again with the Book of Proverbs on pages 21-23 in the same booklet.

o       The NKJV denies Christ’s Deity, His eternality, and destroys prophecy with a Daniel 3:25 footnote.

o       In Zechariah 11:17 the NKJV ruins a prophecy about the pope as the Antichrist.  For 400 years the King James Bible has read “the idol shepherd”; but the NKJV’s base scholastics produced ‘the worthless shepherd’.  Notice these phrases mean completely different things.  The NKJV mistranslated the Hebrew Text: falsifying the word of God.

o       Zechariah 13:6 is a powerful prophecy concerning the Lord Jesus Christ’s crucifixion in the King James Bible.  But the prophecy has been destroyed in the NKJV; the satanic numbskulls changed “hands” to ‘arms’. (See Samuel C. Gipp’s NKJV tract, available from DayStar Publishing, P.O. Box 464, Miamitown, Ohio 45041.)

o       Read ‘Gideon’s NKJV.doc’ and you’ll see the “new testament” is missing from the NKJV’s New Testament.

o       In many instances in the New Testament Jesus’ illustrious title “Master” (KJV) is changed to a generic ‘Teacher’ in the NKJV. (See ‘New Age Versions’ by Gail Riplinger, pages 322-329.)

o       When the Lord Jesus Christ simply stated “...narrow is the way...” (Matt. 7:15 KJV), the NKJV scholars decided they’d put their spin on it and make it ‘difficult’ instead. (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 229.)

o       The NKJV removed “Jesus” from the Lord’s own New Testament in Mark 2:15.

o       In the 1611 “God is a Spirit” (John 4:24), the NKJV says ‘God is spirit’.  That’s heresy because not all spirits are of God; such as an “evil spirit” (1 Sam. 16), “spirit of antichrist” (1 John 4:3), and “spirit of error” (1 John 4:6).  God’s obviously not one of those spirits.  What a depraved mistranslation.  The NKJV assumes there’s no “spiritual wickedness” (Eph. 6:12).

o       In the KJV the Lord Jesus Christ commands us to “Search the scriptures...” (John 5:39).  That command is removed in the NKJV.  P.S. You’ll only be able to “Search the scriptures” if you have “the holy scriptures” (Rom. 1:2; 2 Tim. 3:15 KJV).  The NKJV won’t cut it because it’s an unholy bible.

o       Whereas the KJV has “mansions” in John 14:2; you can’t find it in the NKJV.

o       The Holy Ghost’s comforting title: the “Comforter” (KJV) spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ in John 14:16, 26, 15:26, 16:7—is maliciously deleted out of the NKJV (1982) in all four instances.  Instead the Holy Spirit’s title is basely replaced with ‘the Helper’. (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 455.)  That destroys such cross-references as Psalm 86:17.

o       The Lord Jesus Christ’s Deity and virgin birth are attacked in Acts 4:27, 30 by changing him into a ‘holy Servant’ instead of “thy holy child” (KJV). (See ‘King James Onlyism In Action’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman.)  The NKJV did the same thing in Acts 3:26, demoting the Son of God to a mere servant. (See ‘Why the King James Bible is the Perfect Word of God’ page 42.)

o       One of the most ridiculous translations is found in Acts 4:13 where the NKJV calls Peter and John ‘untrained men’.  This is despite the fact that they had just spent 3 ½ years walking, talking, and living with the Lord Jesus Christ!

o       While “Jesus” is prophetically rendered by the Spirit-led 1611 translators in Acts 7:45 and Hebrews 4:8, the typology between Israel’s Old Testament military leader and our holy “captain” (Heb. 2:10) is demolished in the NKJV.

o       Herod’s pagan holiday was rightly translated as “Easter” (Acts 12:4) in the King James Version, but the NKJV committee though they were smarter than the Anglican divines of the Protestant Reformation, so they rendered the Greek as ‘Passover’.  This is wrong because Passover was over by the time Herod apprehended Apostle Peter.

o       The NKJV turns Paul’s reproof of the Athenian philosophers into a compliment in Acts 17:22 by changing “superstitious” to ‘religious’.  Also in this same verse, the NKJV has Paul standing in the midst of ‘the Areopagus’ instead of “Mars’ hill” (KJV).

o       They ruined Romans 1:18 too.  In the King James 1611 the ungodly “hold the truth in unrighteousness”, viz. contempt.  In the NKJV they only ‘suppress the truth’.  Isn’t that much easier on the ears (see 2 Tim. 4:3 KJV) of a bunch of lukewarm Laodiceans?

o       In Romans 1:25 the NKJV matches the new Alexandrian versions (which by the way is tell-tale corrupt.)  Verses like Rom. 1:25 in the NKJV is why it represents men from the ‘right-wing’ of the Alexandrian cult: because though they’ve acknowledged the superiority of the Antiochian mss, their 1979 translation comes out looking like Westcott and Hort’s RV or the NCCC’s RSV Alexandrian bibles.  Because the NKJV ‘scholars’ disobeyed Revelation 22:18-19, they found that the word ‘exchanged’ suited them better than “changed” when the Holy Ghost reproved their evil practices by saying, “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.” (Romans 1:25 KJV)

o       In 1 Corinthians 1:18 in the KJV we “are saved”; the NKJV however is falsified with ‘are being saved’.

o       Here’s a subtle slight.  The KJV states “the foolishness of preaching” (1 Cor. 1:21); yet the NKJV has again perverted the meaning with ‘the foolishness of the message preached’.  The Gospel is not foolish; the preaching is! (See ‘Final Authority’ by William Grady, back cover.)

o       The NKJV committee decided they’d “corrupt the word of God” (2 Corinthians 2:17), and cover up their sins in the same Scripture while doing it: they corrupted “corrupt” with ‘peddle’.

o       At Galatians 2:20 the NKJV really botched.  They falsified the KJV’s PRESENT TENSE: “I am crucified with Christ” into satanically perverted past tense.

o       The word “dung” is not in Philippians 3:8 in the NKJV—instead ‘rubbish’ is used.

o       In the KJV it’s our “conversation” which is in heaven, but in the NKJV it’s our ‘citizenship’.

o       Our “vile body” in Philippians 3:21 has been changed to a ‘lowly body’.

o       The KJV (1611) has a clear command to: “Abstain from all appearance of evil.” (1 Thess. 5:22 KJV)   This command is completely altered by Thomas Nelson.  They’ve put ‘every form of evil’ instead.

o       The NKJV greatly cheapened the Apostle’s warning against the dangers of money-loving in I Timothy 6:10.  The KJV plainly tell us: “For the love of money is the root of all evil...” (I Tim. 6:10); but the NKJV says, ‘the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil’.  That’s an enormous lie on behalf of Thomas Nelson!  It’s also a perverted Alexandrian reading. (See ‘New Age Versions’ page 172.

o       A valuable prophetic warning from the 1611 Bible against modern “science” (such as evolution) has been removed from I Timothy 6:20.

o       We’ve already seen that the NKJV perverted John 5:39; and they also removed the next commandment in the AV 1611 to study the Bible: the Bible study command in 2 Timothy 2:15 is vanished in the NKJV.  That’s an RSV reading Thomas Nelson picked up there.

o       After 368 years of Titus 3:10 telling Anglo-Saxons to reject a “heretick” (Titus 3:10 KJV 1611), the NKJV committee decided in 1979 he’s a ‘divisive man’. (See ‘Fighting Back!’ by James L. Melton, pages 22-23.)

o       In Hebrews 10:14 the NKJV turns the KJV’s PRESENT TENSE “sanctified” into a heretical progressive sanctification.  That corruption right there is enough to throw out the NKJV and never look back to it.  In 1 Thess. 4:3-4 Paul is referring to the sanctification of the body, which is progressive; however Heb. 10:14 is the sanctification of the spirit, which takes place and is complete when a Christian is born-again.

o       The NKJV has a Roman Catholic reading in James 5:16.  Here ‘trespasses’ are confessed to one another instead of “faults” (KJV).

o       In Jude 15 (KJV) we read about sinners “hard speeches”, this has been cheapened by the NKJV committee to read ‘harsh things’.

o       The NKJV presents a heterodox works-righteous for God’s people in Rev. 19:8.  The AV reads “the fine linen is the righteousness of saints”.  This is changed in the NKJV to ‘the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints’.  They simply added words to the Textus Receptus which weren’t there—disobeying Deuteronomy 4:2, Proverbs 30:6, and Revelation 22:18.

o       See also Riplinger’s NKJV tract, Dial-The-Truth Ministries’ NKJV tract by Dr. Terry Watkins, ‘Why I Reject the New King James Version’ pamphlet by David J. Cimino, ‘New King James Version’ tract by Dr. Samuel C. Gipp, ‘Which Bible Version’ tract by Dr. David E. Walker, ‘About the New King James Version’ by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, ‘Fighting Back!’ by James L. Melton, pages 21-24, ‘Final Authority’ by William P. Grady, chapter 17, and the Bible Believer’s Bulletins, Vol. 33, No. 11, Nov. 2009, page 20; Vol. 34, No. 2, Feb. 2010, page 1; and Vol. 34, No. 9, Oct. 2010, page 2.

·        See Riplinger’s ‘New Age Bible Versions’ pamphlet for more Alexandrian omissions.

·        I like Gail Riplinger’s chart entitled ‘DO YOU HAVE A HOLY BIBLE?’ in the introduction of her ‘New Age Versions’ book and pamphlet.  Because basically that summarizes the whole Bible version issue/controversy.  We’re dealing with a bunch of false ‘bibles’ (cf. Matt. 24:5, 24) and only one true HOLY BIBLE (AV 1611).  She cites that the word “holy” is missing from new versions in 2 Pet. 1:21, Matt. 25:31, 1 Thess. 5:27, Rev. 22:6, Rev. 18:20, John 7:39, 1 Cor. 2:13, Matt. 12:31, Acts 6:3, and Acts 8:18. (Note: I personally checked all these Scriptures in the King James Version and the American Standard Version.  Conclusion: Riplinger is right, in all these passages the word “holy” or “Holy” is found only in the KJV; but it’s omitted in the ASV [1901]; expect for Acts 8:18 from the ASV has “Holy Spirit” instead of the KJV’s “Holy Ghost”.  But like I said, the ASV is an unholy bible because the word “holy” is missing from these passages in Riplinger’s chart; but the KJV proves to be the HOLY BIBLE [AV 1611] because it does have the word “holy” in all of these Scriptures.) ¶ The Bishop’s Bible of 1568 is a “Holy” Bible because it retains the word “holy” in these passages like its successor in English Versions: the King James of 1611. ¶ The NRSV fails this test because it is unholy pagan trash of new age Alexandrian and TV brain-washed ‘Christians’.  With these unholy omissions (and everything else listed in this article), you are to believe that “the Revised Standard Version stands in the Tyndale-King James Version tradition” (English Versions of the Bible, The New Oxford Annotated Bible, Revised Standard Version, page 1556).  That’s the same method the pious Pilgrim Fathers’ Thanksgiving tradition of thanking God Almighty and His Son in America in the 1600’s–1800’s has become the drunkards’ ‘turkey day’ of gluttony and watching NFL football on the boob tube.

·        Look at all the NIV omissions Grady lists on page 287 of ‘Final Authority’!  What wretched, hellish, miserable, rotten trash!!!

·        Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) and Pat and Gordon Robertson use the NLT mainly.  Notice the ‘pack’ the Christian ‘evangelicals’ are lined up with.  Though the NLT isn’t the worst of the Bible versions, “A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.” (Gal. 5:9)  And the NLT has more than a ‘little leaven’, it’s got a lot of leaven.  She’s rolled in it. (see Matt. 13:33, 16:12)  The NLT is right in there with the majority of these perversions in all of the omissions and alterations listed in this article.  It’s the same old Roman Catholic Latin Vulgate of Jerome, the 1582 Rheims Jesuit translation, and Westcott and Hort’s restoration of the same texts that produced the Dark Ages.  Godless, depraved, faithless, Christ-rejecting, philosophic, Arian trash.  It’s apostasy.  Bottom line. (See Riplinger’s NLT tract.)

·        Proverbs 24:21 tells me why I shouldn’t meddle with these new ‘bibles’.  Because they’ve changed the [Reformation] Text of that four hundred year old Holy Bible (KJV), which has yielded more “good fruit” (Matt. 3:10, 7:17; Luke 3:9, 6:43) than any other book known to man—combined.  ¶ When we as Bible-believers talk about “good fruit” we mean a good reputation or “good report” (Acts 10:22, 22:12).  These kinds of things include: repentance, faith, holiness, thankfulness, righteousness, lawfulness, and all other respectable Christian virtues.  These are the kinds of things we expect to see from real evangelism, preaching, and soul-winning.  In short, these are the things you expect to see when men you come in contact with the living words of the living God (cf. John 6:63; 1 Pet. 1:23); and the word of God works effectually in them. (see 1 Thess. 2:13)  Whenever these Christian movements of the Lord God Jesus have come about throughout the history of this Church age, the Christ-exalting Textus Receptus has also been right there. (See ‘The Monarch of the Books’ chart 1, page 7 and chart 10, page 25.) Thus the prophet, " not my words do good to him that walketh uprightly?" (Mic. 2:7)  I’d like to also add that the Majority Text (including the KJV) always brings about revival.  This is the greatest evidence that the TR is the true ‘God-honored Text’.  However, as a Christian brother once put it, the minority manuscripts (or perverse Alexandrian/critical text and subsequent versions) as bring about revival... a revival of doubt (see Gen. 3:1).  Yea, “sound doctrine” (1 Tim. 1:10; 2 Tim. 4:3; Titus 1:9, 2:1) and ‘soul-winning evangelism’ (see Prov. 11:30; Eph. 4:11; 2 Tim. 4:5) is a strong part of the “fruit” of the Textus Receptus. (cf. Is. 55:11)



[i] Thanks and praise be to the resurrected King of Glory, the Lord Jesus Christ first and forth most, for His grace to allow me to put this article together.  Our Lord Jesus Christ has also blessed brethren like Daniels, Ruckman, Riplinger, Grady, Salliby, Melton, Burton, Gipp, and other good fundamentalist Christians; who through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, have assisted me in putting this article together.  The brethrens’ books have helped, and I’ve tried to cite them in these bulleted points.  Of particular help has been David W. Daniels’ ‘Look What’s Missing’ book © 2009 from Chick Publications.  Again, I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for brothers and sisters in the Lord who’ve studied the Bible versions before me, and whose labours and books have assisted me in these studies.  Quoting from Proverbs I can attest, " the multitude of counsellors there is safety." (Prov. 11:14)  Also I’d like to note: these studies deal mainly with New Testament corruptions.  I’d hate to see these apostates chopping up the Old Testament too.  But unfortunately, they’ve already begun to do so; and using the mythological Septuagint (LXX) as a spring board basis for their scholarship of villany.  Also to note: I’ve used the American Standard Version (ASV–1901) as primary example in this article.  For two reasons: 1) Ages Library® included it with their ‘Christian Library Series’, so it was easy for me to access it as a digital copy. 2) The ASV is somewhat representative of all modern perversions, which have all been influenced and polluted by apostate/Alexandrian/Roman Catholic scholarship. 3) Also the ASV is the American version of the 1881 English Revised Version.  As Dr. Peter S. Ruckman writes, ‘The ASV of 1901 is the American complement of the RV of 1881.’ (‘The NIV: An “In Depth” Documentation of Apostasy’ © 1990 by Peter S. Ruckman, page 4.)  And again, ‘They [Thomas Nelson] are also the publishers of the American Standard Version, the American revision of Westcott and Hort’s perverted English Revised Version.’ (‘Answers To Your Bible Version Questions’ by David W. Daniels © 2003, Chick Publications, page 174)  And on page 174 of ‘Final Authority’ William Grady calls the ASV the American counterpart of the RV.  Therefore the ASV is complement to Westcott and Hort’s Greek text (the basis of the RV); and thus also a representation of B and Aleph: the Alexandrian basis of Westcott and Hort’s text.  Of course the RV (1881) was the work of Westcott and Hort, and based upon their Greek text; which text is also the basis for all ‘new’ versions.  Therefore the omissions, additions, corruptions, deletions, and substitutions found in the ASV: well represent the RV, Westcott and Hort’s Greek text, and all ‘new’ versions have similar infections—PLUS the ASV (1901), like the RV, is a typical modern English restoration of the Gnostic/Arian/arch-antichrist Alexandrian manuscripts (viz. Vaticanus B and Sinaiticus א) and the dark age ‘bibles’ based off those depraved texts (viz. Jerome’s Latin Vulgate and the 1582 Jesuit priests’ Rheims translation.)  All of this can be found in the RV, ASV, NIV, NASV, NLT, NWT (antichrist spirits’ bible, falsely so-called the Jehovah’s Witnesses), NRSV, &c.—and traced back to the apostate Gnostic (see 1 John 2:18, 22, 4:3; 2 John 7) philosophers (see Acts 17:18; Col. 2:8) in 2nd century Alexandrian, Egypt [viz. “...the land of Ham...” (Ps. 105:23, 27, 106:22)]—it’s all a similar ‘standard protocol’ of Satan’s apostate bibles. What?!  Did you forget apostates are ‘religious’? See Matt. 6, 23 and 2 Cor. 11.  Here’s the formula: antichrist spirits=philosophers=Alexandrian cult=Roman Catholicism=“the synagogue of Satan” (Rev. 2:9, 3:9) + “Nicolaitans” (Rev. 2:6, 15).  This why all modern perversions appear to piously conform to the two idols and false witnesses/gods of apostate and evil scholars: B and Aleph.  They’ve all fallen for the same Alexandrian/Apocryphal trap Westcott and Hort did over 100 years ago. ¶ I’ve also consulted the 1901 Reina-Valera Spanish Bible is this study.  The Valera is the Spanish equivalent to the King James English Translation.  Both translations are based off the Textus Receptus, and not the minority/north African manuscripts of the new mistranslations.  ¶ Texts with strikeouts represent King James Bible’s Scriptures excised by apostate Alexandrian scholarship.  ¶ In this document I’ve also compared or correlated the 1582 Rheims Jesuit priest translation.  The 1582 is an English representation of Jerome’s Latin Vulgate; and thus it’s also an English representation of the Vatican (B) manuscripts: which is of course the pet manuscript of all Alexandrian/Gnostic/philosophic scholarship.  Even through it’s named after, and catalogued in, the headquarters of these most antichrist, murderous, Bible-believer persecuting religious system there ever has been or ever will be. (see Rev. 17–18)  In other words, what’s been compared here is an Antiochian, Deity of Christ-exalting, Protestant Reformation Holy Bible verses an Egyptian, Deity of Christ-denying, Roman Catholic, Dark Ages unholy ‘bible’. ¶ Other documents about Bible perversions: ‘Modern perversion notes 1.doc’, ‘Tertullus’ speech.doc’, ‘NIV’s corruption of Psalm 136.doc’, ‘Acts 9.doc’, ‘after the order of Melchisedec.doc’, ‘Isaiah 14.12.doc’, ‘John 3:16 corruptions.doc’, ‘Mark 16.9-20.doc’, ‘Micah v.2 corruption.doc’, ‘NASB’s ascension omission.doc’, ‘conversation.doc’, ‘NIV is antichrist.doc’, ‘worship him.doc’, ‘corrupt plant of the enemy part 1.doc’.

[ii] ‘The text of Westcott and Hort is practically the text of אB.’—Herman Hoskier (See 'Final Authority' page 97 and 'New Age Versions' page 546.)

[iii] ‘How We Got Our Bible’ by Trinitarian Bible Society.

[iv] See ‘Final Authority’ by William P. Grady, pages 216-217.

[v] Check the footnote containing those references in ‘St. Paul the Apostle & Author of Hebrews.doc’.

[vi] © 2006 by Gary Miller, Chick Publications.

[vii] ‘New Age Versions’ by G.A. Riplinger © 1993, A.V. Publications Corporation, page 594.  See also ‘Answers To Your Bible Version Questions’ by David W. Daniels © 2003, Chick Publications, Page 179.